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6 <br /> 1 • She said every township will pay the transit tax but the proposed financial scheme <br /> 2 disproportionally allots more funding to serve a small percentage of area residents who <br /> 3 may use the LRT, and thus disproportionately allots less funding for buses to serve the <br /> 4 residents of Cedar Grove, Little River and Bingham. <br /> 5 • This project fails to serve transient dependent communities, and the proposed route fails <br /> 6 to provide direct service to communities of low to moderate wealth, and/or communities <br /> 7 of color, including Northside, Rogers Road, Efland, West Hillsborough and Fairview, <br /> 8 and therefore continues to marginalize these constituents. <br /> 9 Commissioner Price said, as a Commissioner, she is accountable to the Orange County <br /> 10 constituents, and development planning should be long term, comprehensive and flexible, but <br /> 11 she likened the newest plan proposals to shifting sand, without firm foundation and without <br /> 12 confidence. She said County government needs to maintain control and oversight of its <br /> 13 revenues and expenditures, and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) must wisely <br /> 14 steward the County resources. <br /> 15 Commissioner Price referred to the emails received from the community, and noted <br /> 16 hundreds of residents voted no to the LRT, and her vote will be no as well. <br /> 17 Commissioner McKee said he has had people tell him to stand down, or burn the place <br /> 18 down. He said he will do neither. <br /> 19 Commissioner McKee said he has been opposed to the LRT since 2012. He said he <br /> 20 stood down from opposition when the residents voted in favor of the transit tax. He said he <br /> 21 started raising objections back in the fall of 2016, when he saw numerous financial models that <br /> 22 did not make sense. He said the original proposal had this project being paid off by 2036, but <br /> 23 this was no longer the case. He said the long-term nature of loan repayment will use up any <br /> 24 additional funds that may have been available for bus transit. <br /> 25 Commissioner McKee said once Orange County has spent $50 to $100 million he will be <br /> 26 quiet, because the County will be too invested at that point to walk away and waste the money. <br /> 27 Commissioner McKee said the Board has received emails that have an approximate <br /> 28 ratio of 3-1 being against this plan, and, interestingly, many of these emails are from the <br /> 29 southern part of the County. He said he is not sure anyone on the Board fully understands <br /> 30 every aspect of this issue, and no one knows what will happen if the BOCC approves this. <br /> 31 Commissioner McKee said he would like to make a motion after comments have been <br /> 32 received. <br /> 33 Commissioner Jacobs said he actually did not make up his mind until yesterday. He <br /> 34 said he came at this issue with a set of values that he includes in all of his decision-making: a <br /> 35 sense of environmental responsibility and social justice. He said he has had moments of <br /> 36 disquieting and reassurance during this entire process. He said he has been involved in <br /> 37 Orange County planning for 30 years, and he believes in channeling growth where it should be, <br /> 38 which is why the rural buffer is important, and two and five acre zoning to protect watersheds. <br /> 39 He said he had to consider whether the LRT was a tool to channel growth. He said the Board <br /> 40 has seen where the LRT line will run, and it is misleading to think that it will only serve a very <br /> 41 small area as the universities at either end of the LRT provide immense opportunities and <br /> 42 employment in Orange County. <br /> 43 Commissioner Jacobs said he was not challenging the route or the mode, but whether <br /> 44 Orange County would be at risk financially. He said he does not want the BOCC to be <br /> 45 compelled to spend money that could be used for schools, land protection, affordable housing, <br /> 46 etc. He said he and Chair Dorosin worked diligently with Durham on the Cost Share Agreement <br /> 47 to avoid such a scenario, and the Durham County Commissioners listened. He said this is a <br /> 48 university rail line, and adding North Carolina Central University (NCCU) changed the <br /> 49 percentage of what Durham was getting, and Orange County has the fewest miles, the least <br />