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20 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee asked what options there would be if the BOCC does not agree <br /> 2 with the cost cutting measures, such as removing a stop in Orange County. <br /> 3 Tammy Bouchelle said the BOCC is not obligated to submit any additional funds under <br /> 4 this agreement. She said any substantial change to the project, such as removing a stop, <br /> 5 would have to be approved by the FTA prior to proceeding. She said the Counties would also <br /> 6 have to approve such a change in the County transit plans. She said GoTriangle has no ability <br /> 7 to act unilaterally. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee said he does not understand what happens if a scenario arises <br /> 9 that Orange County cannot accommodate; when it has signed an agreement to the plan, FTA <br /> 10 has approved the project, and the state says it will only give 5%. He says without a unilateral <br /> 11 withdrawal provision, he feels Orange County is bound to commit funds. <br /> 12 Katharine Eggleston said should such a scenario arise, the three parties would make <br /> 13 good faith efforts to find strategies that would be amendable to three parties. <br /> 14 Commissioner McKee said there may be no such strategies. <br /> 15 Chair Dorosin proposed the hypothetical of cutting one of the Orange County stations, <br /> 16 and asked if staff could walk the Board through the steps of what would happen. <br /> 17 Tammy Bouchelle said if there are significant changes in the scope of the project, the <br /> 18 FTA would have to approve them. She said the removal of a station would be an example of <br /> 19 such a change. <br /> 20 Chair Dorosin proposed the hypothetical of all parties approving of the station removal, <br /> 21 and asked if the steps thereafter could be identified. <br /> 22 Tammy Bouchelle said the FTA would be informed of this decision, and additional <br /> 23 studies would be needed to show there were no negative social justice, environmental or <br /> 24 ridership impacts. She said after receiving approval from the FTA, GoTriangle would need the <br /> 25 approvals of Orange and Durham counties, with the change being reflected in the County <br /> 26 transit plans. <br /> 27 Chair Dorosin proposed the scenario where the BOCC does not want to remove a <br /> 28 station from the line, and does not want to amend its transit plan. He asked if the steps <br /> 29 thereafter could be described. He asked what would happen if Durham and Orange counties <br /> 30 disagree on the cost cutting measure. <br /> 31 Commissioner McKee said his concern is what happens if there is an impasse, and the <br /> 32 parties do not agree. <br /> 33 Chair Dorosin said if an agreement and transit plan amendment are required to proceed, <br /> 34 but do not happen, then how does the project proceed. <br /> 35 Patrick McDonough said in the draft plan, there is an appendix B of mitigation <br /> 36 measures. He said the removal of a station is an unlikely scenario of a cost cutting measure. <br /> 37 He said there are items in the plan that can be cut down in price without the customer being <br /> 38 affected; for example, a bridge can be made more ugly. He said, conversely, there are areas <br /> 39 that can be cut that do affect the customer, such as the capacity for the speed of the trains. He <br /> 40 said GoTriangle's goal, if cutting costs were necessary, would be to minimize the impact to <br /> 41 either County or its residents. <br /> 42 John Talmadge said in the next item, which refers to proposed language changes to the <br /> 43 transit plan, includes that any deletion of stops or addition of stops requires Commissioner <br /> 44 approval. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee said his concern is if the parties cannot agree. <br /> 46 Travis Myren said one mechanism is dispute resolution, like mediation or arbitration. <br /> 47 Commissioner Marcoplos said the financial shortfalls would be the more likely scenario <br /> 48 to occur. He said if the state gives 7% instead of 10%, and Durham is fine with this change, but <br /> 49 Orange County is not, then provision #15 gives Orange County permission to say it cannot pay <br /> 50 the difference and would be allowed to step back. <br />