Orange County NC Website
19 <br /> 1 Ihiablle, solledly through lit.> share of the 1DLR, for lit.> portion of any debt or obllligatlion lincurred up to <br /> 2 the date of wlithdrawall. <br /> 3 IP Iroi oealll 2...........d ui iiilllate�rm 111 wliitlll durawalll onIll wliitlll�miiiI a deflflill ed tliiuim e euriiiod <br /> II g d <br /> 4 A uu ulladerall wlid:ll drawall pursuant to thlle paragraph 11 may not occur after the dale our vvlbllch the <br /> 5 C: artlieo have executed and entered Onto the IC ull11 a dlll g Grant Agreement contemplllated <br /> 6 Isereliu . <br /> 7 SIhaulld a County Board of Cornmllsslloners e; erellse the ant orllty granted by thllo paragraph 11 and <br /> 8 un011ateralllly wlllt draw Ifurvou thllo Agreement that County Board of Cornmllsslloners shall l° have no <br /> 9 further oblIllgatllon or pursuant to thlle greerneu d "The wlit drawlO g party shall l° rer alll <br /> 10 011ablle, oollelly through lidos are of the II::;tII....II , Ifoury lido portllon of any delbd: or oblIllgatllon 111 curred up to <br /> 11 the date of wlid.:ll drawall. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Chair Dorosin said he wants the BOCC to give some guidance to John Roberts. <br /> 14 Commissioner Marcoplos said paragraph 15 protects the County in a lot of ways, and on <br /> 15 a lot of issues. He said there is room for a more expanded view of this, and he would like to <br /> 16 see what the attorneys come up. He is concerned about the unpredictability of the FTA. <br /> 17 Commissioner Burroughs said she takes comfort in paragraph 15, and she is happy with <br /> 18 the attorneys meeting and coming back with a proposed solution. She said the potential for <br /> 19 withdrawal would not be the topic for which she would vote against this project. <br /> 20 Chair Dorosin said he thinks that mediation or arbitration would work, and would not <br /> 21 want to include language that would torpedo the project. <br /> 22 Commissioner Marcoplos agreed with Chair Dorosin. <br /> 23 Commissioner McKee said GoTriangle mentioned mitigation avenues to use if the <br /> 24 revenues were not there, and he said one area that would not trigger provision #15, but could <br /> 25 trigger concern for the BOCC, is a continuing escalation of local costs. He asked what would <br /> 26 happen if the state funding goes to 5%, and the County is still able to pay for escalated <br /> 27 expenses out of tax revenues. He sees the County being the only option to bear the cost <br /> 28 burden. <br /> 29 Danny Rogers, GoTriangle Project Manager, said that scenario would be a trigger, and <br /> 30 the agreement has a cap on the County's participation level. He said if the state lowers its <br /> 31 funds to 5%, the BOCC would be approached to determine a plan to move forward. He said <br /> 32 there is no requirement for additional local revenue from Orange or Durham County. <br /> 33 Commissioner McKee said cutting costs has never been presented as an option, but <br /> 34 rather only an increase in local funding. <br /> 35 Katharine Eggleston said within the next two years leading up to the FFGA, GoTriangle <br /> 36 will be pursuing other funding sources. She said the Funding and Community Collaborative <br /> 37 (FCC) is private monetary and in-kind contributions. She said the goal of this group is $100 <br /> 38 million. <br /> 39 Commissioner McKee asked if the FCC will be added as a signatory to this agreement. <br /> 40 Katharine Eggleston said no. <br /> 41 Commissioner McKee asked if the FCC is under any contractual agreement to raise <br /> 42 $100 million. <br /> 43 Katharine Eggleston said no. She said if state funding decreased, the parties would <br /> 44 meet to see if there are alternative funds that can fill the gap, and the FCC funds may fill such a <br /> 45 need. <br /> 46 Commissioner McKee asked how the BOCC would remove itself from the project, if the <br /> 47 unilateral withdrawal language is removed, and the state funding drops to 5% and the BOCC no <br /> 48 does not want to absorb the additional 5%. <br /> 49 Katharine Eggleston said there may be funds from the FCC, and there may be cost <br /> 50 cutting strategies. <br />