Orange County NC Website
20 <br /> 4. Arrange for a bike ride or other type of"field trip" with Orange County <br /> Commissioners, law enforcement, Orange County staff, and local cycling <br /> advocates to allow all to see both the possibilities and the obstacles that exist for <br /> cycling on rural county roads. <br /> 5. Have a county-wide contest to produce PSA posters or videos as a way to <br /> bring in citizen participation. Prepare a series of PSAs to air on local radio and <br /> television stations and in the local newspapers, and as posters around Orange <br /> County, as have been promoted in other locations: See sample posters in <br /> Appendix A. Contact the Journalism school at UNC to see if they would be <br /> interested in helping create these spots and helping us determine the correct <br /> venues for placing them. <br /> 6. Meet with the regional director of Active Routes to School and with school PE <br /> instructors to be sure they are aware of the Bike and Pedestrian Safety program <br /> available on NCDOT's website. 5 <br /> 7. Support BikeWalk NC in its efforts to produce a statewide online education <br /> class6 that could be utilized in Driver's Ed classes, and in classes for driving <br /> offenders that are seeking to reduce points on their insurance. A component for <br /> the younger age groups who are mainly pedestrians is also planned. <br /> 8. Utilize national resources such as the National Highway Traffic Safety <br /> Administration,' People for Bikes,8 and the Alliance for Biking and Walking9 for <br /> materials that can be used locally. <br /> 9. Create and promote an interactive wiki map that cyclists and motorists can use <br /> to identify spots that need attention to improve safety. (The map could be <br /> referenced on all of the posters and other PSAs.) <br /> 10. Examine bicycling in Orange County as an economic development tool by <br /> sending a local staff person (or someone from Orange County Visitors Bureau) to <br /> the Bicycle Tourism conference in San Diego, CA, being held Nov. 4-7 in 2015.10 <br /> 11. Pursue a tourism (or other) grant to fund bicycling safety and share the road <br /> public service announcements on popular local AM/FM radio stations. <br /> 12. Include a line item in the budget for county funding to use as grant-matching <br /> funding. <br /> 13. Improve bicycle infrastructure in the community. Instruct staff to review with the <br /> OUTBoard roads that are scheduled for resurfacing and recommend 4-foot <br /> shoulders on roads identified as rural bikeways. <br /> 14. Explore lowering speed limits on some rural county roads to 40 mph. Begin with <br /> a pilot on Dairyland Road. This reduction in speed was recently approved by <br /> NCDOT for a small section of Old 86 (from Calvander to the Carrboro Town <br /> Limit). <br />