Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> Attachment 1 of the Bicycle Safety Task Force Report <br /> Background /Timeline <br /> November 6, 2014: <br /> The Board of County Commissioners presented a petition to the Orange County <br /> Planning staff asking them to review policies related to bicycle and pedestrian <br /> safety, and to begin working with cycling groups, law enforcement and <br /> transportation officials to develop a culture of sharing the road in Orange County. <br /> The petition outlined the following objectives: <br /> • Review County authority and State law <br /> • Provide copy of County-endorsed bicycle routes (map) <br /> • Get updated on topic and recent activities <br /> • Define current problem statement <br /> • Create broad categories for addressing problems (education, law <br /> enforcement, NCDOT, etc.) <br /> • Suggest/recommend policies, procedures, etc., for addressing problems <br /> • Identify agencies, County departments, etc. for addressing problems <br /> February 3, 2015: <br /> Planning Staff developed a plan to address the petition, which was provided to <br /> the BOCC as an Information Item at its meeting. The Staff Plan addressed <br /> representation from the BOCC, citizen participation, public outreach, and task <br /> objectives, and proposed a report back to the BOCC in June with <br /> recommendations and a plan. <br /> The Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) was charged with <br /> preparing a report with an implementation plan to address the petition's <br /> objectives. <br /> June 2015: <br /> The report, titled the Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Report, was <br /> presented to the Board of County Commissioners. The BOCC received the <br /> report and directed staff to: (1) Review the list of recommended actions (Charge <br /> 5) in the Report with regard to financial costs, staffing capabilities, and required <br /> coordination with other agencies/entities; and (2) Return to the BOCC in fall 2015 <br /> with information relevant to implementing the lists of actions. <br /> November 6, 2015: <br /> The Planning Staff presented a resolution to the BOCC, and several citizens <br /> spoke. The BOCC did not accept the resolution, but asked staff to come back <br /> with certain aspects clarified at a meeting in early 2016. <br />