Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 7-c - Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) Report and Next Steps
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Agenda - 05-02-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-02-2017 - 7-c - Bicycle Safety Task Force (BSTF) Report and Next Steps
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Last modified
4/27/2017 3:42:58 PM
Creation date
11/1/2017 10:14:33 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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REQUEST FOR FUNDING, AN IMPLEMENTATION COMMITTEE, AND 14 <br /> A COMMITTEE TO STUDY IMPROVEMENTS TO INFRASTRUCTURE <br /> The Bicycle Safety Task Force requests that the Orange County Board of County <br /> Commissioners appoint an implementation committee and set a line item in the <br /> 2017/2018 budget that will allow for the completion of the short term items and <br /> the beginning of the ongoing post-launch activities in the chart above. <br /> With the cost estimates presented in the above table in mind, we would suggest <br /> a line item of$15,000 for the year 2017/2018. We would also request that the <br /> BOCC have the implementation committee report back to the BOCC in January <br /> or February 2018 to give an update on funding and progress, and to bring a line <br /> item budget request for 2018/2019. While much time is listed as County Staff <br /> time, we feel there may be opportunities to work with other groups in the area to <br /> facilitate some of the programs. <br /> In addition to funding, we request that the BOCC, should the report from the <br /> BSTF be accepted and approved, form the implementation committee as soon as <br /> possible in order to have some of the staff only items addressed (such as <br /> slogan/signage/launch planning) and ready to roll out as soon as the new fiscal <br /> year begins. A design for the signs and other advertising materials will require <br /> lead time, and we would hope that the launch of the campaign could occur before <br /> the end of summer. Finally, we request that the BOCC form a committee to study <br /> improvements to infrastructure, which was outside the scope of this committee. <br /> CONCLUDING REMARKS <br /> The Bicycle Safety Task Force provided a diverse group of citizens a chance to <br /> discuss from many different viewpoints laws and safety measures pertaining to <br /> cyclists and motorists sharing the road. All agreed from the onset that it was a <br /> small group of cyclists and motorists that caused most of the problems. The <br /> challenge, therefore, remains how to get necessary information to those who <br /> need it, and how to bring changes in attitudes so that all can use our beautiful <br /> county roads in harmony. <br /> The Task Force has considered many different outlets for getting information out. <br /> We have included churches, restaurants, schools, public centers and buildings, <br /> the media, cycling groups, advocacy groups and rural groups. We have <br /> suggested signage that can be posted on individual mail posts (similar to the <br /> "Community Watch" signage). We have ideas for events as well as for ways to <br /> utilize social media. <br /> The BOCC has shown its interest in safer roads by the creation of this Task <br /> Force. We are asking the Board now to continue that commitment with funding <br /> and staff time. We believe that if we can educate people on the laws, get all to <br /> follow them, AND promote positive behaviors, we can make Orange County one <br /> of the best—and safest–places in our state for cycling, and that our campaign <br /> can work as a model for other counties. <br />
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