Orange County NC Website
Boards/Commissions that County Commissioners serve on- I I <br />Individual <br />Updated 6/05/06 <br />Commissioner Halkiotis: <br />Alcoholic Bevera e Control Board L <br />Cable N Advisory Committee (L) <br />Central Oran e Senior Center Desi n Committee M <br />Childcare Taskforce (alternate) (M <br />Durham Technical Camrnunity College Satellite Campus Advisory Committee for <br />Pro rammin Needs Assessment (M) * to be reinstated at a later date <br />Fire Chiefs' Association of Oran e Coun M <br />International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (M) <br />Justice Facilities Interior Plannin Committee (M <br />Oran e Count Partnershi for Youn Children M <br />Project Plannin Committee Chapel Hill/Oran e County PPC) (alternate) (M) <br />Small Business Work Grou M <br />Space Needs Work Group (short-term taskforce) (M) <br />H:\CL.ERICsDOCUNIEN7S-H Drive\Boards BOCC Serve on\Commissioner approved boards-updated 5-30-2006.doc <br />Last printed 6/S/2006 11:35 AM <br />Last saved on 6/S/2006 11:35:21 AM <br />