Agenda - 06-13-2006-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-9c
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8/29/2008 3:41:59 PM
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8/29/2008 9:34:33 AM
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~~ <br />Michelle Kempinski: Are there provisions for swapping impervious surface requirements? Is that <br />allowable and legal? <br />Bruce Ballentine: We had a similar situation in Meadowmont. The developer was tackling the issues of <br />using the impervious requirements for all of all lots, With each building permit, the cumulative <br />impervious surface area is counted and recorded, so it can be determined by the neighborhoods. There <br />are situations when this could be of benefit, <br />Robert Davis: Impervious surface amounts need to be recorded on the final plat, and are redone on each <br />request. <br />Glenn Bowles: On a 2-acre lot, it's hard to hit 6%. The average impervious cover on 2-acre lots in <br />Orange county is less than 4% <br />Robert Davis: We don't encourage moving around the impervious limitations between properties, <br />Jay Bryan: We can't solve that issue tonight. We may want to review the policy on impervious surface <br />sharing at a later time. <br />Bruce Ballentine: This is the third time this subdivision has been presented, We have made the requested <br />changes, and this is essentially the same as the approved concept plan. <br />Michelle Kempinski: Do we get to review the homeowner association covenants? <br />Robert Davis: The County Attorney has these and they are being reviewed to check for conflicts, <br />Jay Bryan: The Planning Board doesn't review these. <br />Renee Price-Saunders: The Carrboro review with trails and slopes, do we need to consider this? <br />Glenn Bowles: No. <br />Jay Bryan: Regarding the use of University Lake as a source of water', what needs to be done? <br />Bruce Ballentine: There are details relating to signage and traffic safety. OWASA is outlining the <br />process. Is that a requirement for subdivisions in Orange County? I'm not sure why we're being <br />requested to do this, and it will be quite an expense. <br />Glenn Bowles: It was included in the Fire Marshal's comments, It is not a staff regulation but it is <br />encouraged if the Fire Marshal recommends it, <br />MOTION made by Craufurd Goodwin to accept the staff recommendations, Brian Dobyns seconded, <br />VOTE: 9 ayes; 0 nay <br />
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