Agenda - 06-13-2006-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-9c
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3~, <br />MINUT>cs <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />MAY 3, 2006 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MENDERS PRESENT: Jay Bryan, Chapel Hill Representative (Chair); Brian Dobyns, Cheeks Township <br />Representative; Craufurd Goodwin, Hillsborough Representative; Michelle Kempinski, Cedar Grove <br />Township at Large; Joel Knight, Tittle River Representative; Bernadette Pelissier, Bingham Township; <br />Renee Price-Saunders, Hillsborough Township at Large; Sandra Johnson Quinn, Eno Township <br />MEMBERS ADSENT: Sam Lasris, Cedar Grove Township At Large; Jeffrey Schmitt, Cedar Grove <br />Township at Large <br />STArr PRESENT: Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor; Sherri Ingersoll, Administrative Assistant <br />R; Eddie I{irk, Planner II; Michael Harvey, Planner R; Glenn Bowles, Planner II <br />AGENDA ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL <br />AGENDA ITEM #8: PRELIMINARY PLAN ROR THE ORCHARD SUBDMSION (VOTING ITEM) <br />Presenter: Glenn Bowles, Planner II <br />Planning Board to hear Staff Report to make recommendation to the County <br />Commissioners regarding the Preliminary Plan application for the Orchard <br />Subdivision. <br />Glenn Bowles: (Reviewed Abstract), Lot numbers 10 and 11 have been reoriented so that all the platted <br />]and is not in primary open space as the concept plan approval required, As a result of the Fire Marshal's <br />comments, the developer has approached OWASA to use the University Lake as a source of water for fire <br />suppression. OWASA has agreed but the specifics or design have not been completed, The Canboro <br />Courtesy Review requested a trail system around the property, but Staff does not agree because of the <br />concern for erosion on steep slopes and maintaining the pristine environment. Also, they requested that <br />the cul-de-sac be constructed to the eastern edge of the property. Staff was concerned about extending the <br />road because the non-use of the road, the expected deterioration of the road due to no use, and there is <br />question if and when the adjacent property maybe developed and at what grade the road on the other side <br />would be, Staff did not want the road to be paved twice if the grades do not match, <br />Michelle Kempinski: Originally there was a question if the Tanaka property should be considered as part <br />of this subdivision when determining the number of allowable lots. When the subdivision was redrawn to <br />exclude the Tanaka tract, was the number of allowable lots readjusted? The number of lots is pertinent, as <br />it comes up with one less lot. <br />Jay Bryan: Your question to Glenn is how was the 181ots determined? <br />Michelle Kempinski: Yes. My calculation is lower, <br />Jay Bryan: Would it be helpful to have the developer explain the calculations or the staffl <br />Bruce Ballentine: The calculations are not only based on density, The underlying density is based on the <br />parent tracts of land as of October 2, 1989, When the regulations changed in the County, you calculate <br />the density by going back to legal lots on that date (2 tracts), multiplied by 5 acres and the rest at 5 acres; <br />the TanakaBennett original property was 47.91 acres, and was part of the parent tract, An additional <br />calculation is the yield analysis. <br />
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