Orange County NC Website
37 <br />Chris Tadevich: There is open parking available along Tones Ferry Road, and it is a highly used <br />area for cyclists. <br />Michelle Kempinski: Regarding the Corbett property next door, would you (Jean Corbett) <br />consider a conservation easement? That may answer some of your concerns <br />.Jean Corbett: I've thought about it. <br />Craufurd Goodwin: I'm confused about the various rates used for water usage. <br />Glenn Bowles: There is a big difference between the consumption used for homes, rather than <br />businesses or schools. Madison's numbers seem to be more consistent with experience. <br />Craufurd Goodwin: These would not be metered wells. People can use as much water as they <br />want. <br />.Jay Bryan: My suggestion would be to address this at the next meeting. As a part of the March 1 <br />report, could Staff give us some background about these figures and other studies to support the <br />numbers used, that we can consider when evaluating proposals.. <br />Sam Lasris: What's the difference between flexible and conventional subdivisions? <br />Glenn Bowles: Conventional subdivisions do not have open space requirements; flexible <br />subdivisions do. <br />Sam Lasris: We evaluate both, correct? <br />Glenn Bowles: Yes. Flexible subdivisions have more flexibility regarding lot size and open <br />space. <br />MOTION by Craufurd Goodwin to accept the Staff findings, with the exception of rewording #2 <br />for coherence, and #9 with respect to open burning. Seconded by Sam Lasris, <br />VOTE: Unanimous, <br />