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17 <br /> Seat Category Seat Requirements <br /> 3. Negotiate necessary tradeoffs with other Planning Commission members <br /> so that a recommendation can be made to Council which represents the <br /> Chapel Hill Community's values and interests. <br /> If the Champion fails to meet these expectations, the Environmental <br /> Stewardship Advisory Board may, at any time, recommend to the Chapel <br /> Hill Town Council that the Champion be replaced. <br /> Housing Advisory Board Must live within the municipal limits of the Town of Chapel Hill and have <br /> Champion demonstrated education, special training, experience, or interest in housing. <br /> Preference given to applicants who are currently serving or have previously <br /> served on the Town of Chapel Hill's Housing Advisory Board. <br /> The Champion is expected to: <br /> 1. Have frequent conversations with the chair of the Town of Chapel Hill's <br /> Housing Advisory Board so as to ensure an accurate understanding of the <br /> board's position on each development application/question that comes before <br /> the Planning Commission. <br /> 2. Represent the views of the Town of Chapel Hill's Housing Advisory <br /> Board during Planning Commission deliberations. <br /> 3. Negotiate necessary tradeoffs with other Planning Commission members <br /> so that a recommendation can be made to Council which represents the <br /> Chapel Hill Community's values and interests. <br /> If the Champion fails to meet these expectations, the Housing Advisory <br /> Board may, at any time, recommend to the Chapel Hill Town Council that <br /> the Champion be replaced. <br /> Transportation and Must live within the municipal limits of the Town of Chapel Hill and have <br /> Connectivity Advisory demonstrated education, special training, experience, or interest in <br /> Board Champion transportation and connectivity. Preference given to applicants who are <br /> currently serving or have previously served on the Town of Chapel Hill's <br /> Transportation and Connectivity Advisory Board. <br /> The Champion is expected to: <br /> 1. Have frequent conversations with the chair of the Town of Chapel Hill's <br /> Transportation and Connectivity Advisory Board so as to ensure an accurate <br /> understanding of the board's position on each development <br /> application/question that comes before the Planning Commission. <br /> 2. Represent the views of the Town of Chapel Hill's Transportation and <br />