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§153A-59 <br />A8T 4_ FORM OF QUVERN3dENT §15&4.60 <br />Local Modification - (As to PBZt 4 of <br />Article 4) Blndea: 1967, a 646; Dare: 1991, Ex. <br />Sean., G 2, s 4 (As to applicabffity sad contin- <br />gency provisioaB, see 1991 Session LawB, Ex, <br />SBBB., a 2, e. 7): Lee (aB to Pert 4 and (3.S. <br />153-4-58):1989, c.. 195, Bs. 4, 5 (eSectdve June 1, <br />1989, but only applicable to resolntions ap~ <br />proved oa or before Aug. 1, 1990), ee amended <br />691969, c, 770, s. 43.. I,ae (aa to P, art 4 and G,5.. <br />153AS8):1969, c 195, se.. 4, S (effective June 1, <br />1989, bnt only epplicabL3 to resolutions ap- <br />proved oa or before Aug. 1, 1490), se amended <br />by 1969, c 770, s. 43. <br />CASS NOTE6 <br />Cited in Ratclifiv County of Bunrambe, 759 <br />F.2d LiB9 (4th Cir. 1985); Ratclifi v County of <br />Buncombe, 663 F. Supp. lOD9 (W.bN.0. 196'x.. <br />§ 153A-59. Implementation 'when board has members <br />serving a combination of four- and two•gear <br />terms. <br />If the structure of the board of commissioners is altered to establish a board <br />with an odd number of members servingg a hombination of faun- and two-year <br />terms of ofnce, the new structure shell be implemented as foll~ws- <br />At the first election all members of the board shall be electetL A simile <br />majority of those elected shall be elected fortwo-yaaz terme,'and the remaining <br />members shall be elected for four-year terms. The candidate oz cax)didates <br />receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected for the four-yeas terms. <br />At each subsequent general election, s signpple majority of the board shall be <br />elected- Thst candldate who is eIectPd with the least numb9r of votes shaIl be <br />elected for a two-year term, and the other member or members elected shall be <br />elected for four-year terms. (1927, c, 91, e. 3; 1969, c. 717, s, l; 1973, a 822, s. <br />1,) <br />§ 153A•60. Initiation of alterations bq resolution. <br />The boazd of commissioners shall initiate any alteration in the structure of <br />the board by adopting a resolution. The resolution shall: <br />(1) Briefly but completely descn'be the preposed alterations; <br />(2) Prescribe the manner of transition from the existing structure to the <br />altered structure; <br />(3) Define the electoral districts, if any, and apportion the members <br />zmong the districts; <br />(4) Call s special referendum oa the question of adoption of the alter- <br />ations. The referendum shell be held and conducted by the county <br />board of elections. The referendum maybe held at the same time as <br />any other state, county or municipal primary, election, special election <br />or referendum, or on anV date set by the board of county commission- <br />ers, provided, that such referendum shall not be held within the <br />period of tune bung 60 days before and ending 60 days after any <br />other primary, election, special election or referendum held in the <br />county <br />Upon its adoption, the resolution shaA be published in full. (1927, c. 91, s. 4; <br />1969, c. 717, s. 1; 1973, c. 822, s. l; 1977, c. 362.) <br />Local Modification -Craven: 2001-447, a. 7} Lae:1989, c 195, s• 1(e8'ective June 1,1969, <br />1 (applicble Daly to resolutions adopted before brit only applicable [o resolntione approved oa <br />Januarp 1, zooz); Dare: 1981, En Sass.., a 2, s, or before Aug. i, 1990); Wayne: 1967, c. 119 <br />1 (As to applicab0itg and contingency prwi•. (only applicable to reeolutions approved on or <br />lions, see 1991 Session Laws, Es. SeBa., e. 2, s, before Nov. 30, 1966). <br />925 <br />5 <br />~F <br /> <br /> <br />