Orange County NC Website
FOR REFERENCE 24 <br /> Attachment 4 <br /> PURPOSES ONLY <br /> NCACC 2017-18 Adopted Legislative Goals <br /> North Carolina Counties' Five Priority Goals <br /> 1. PE-1: Seek legislation to establish a new state-county partnership to address statewide public <br /> school capital challenges--including but not limited to maintenance, renovation, construction <br /> and debt--through a dedicated, stable funding stream that is consistent from county to county <br /> and sufficient to meet the school facility needs of all 100 counties. <br /> 2. PE-2: Seek legislation to repeal the statutory authority under N.C. Gen. Stat. 115C-431(c)that <br /> allows a local school board to file suit against a county board of commissioners over county <br /> appropriations for education. <br /> 3. TF-1: Support efforts to preserve and expand the existing local revenue base of counties, and <br /> oppose efforts to divert to the state fees or taxes currently allocated to the counties to the <br /> state. Oppose efforts to erode existing county revenue streams and authorize local option <br /> revenue sources already given to any other jurisdiction. <br /> 4. GG-1:Support increased state funding for transportation construction and maintenance needs, <br /> and support legislation to ensure that the STI funding formula recognizes that one size does not <br /> fit all and that projects in both rural and urban areas are prioritized and funded. <br /> 5. JPS-1: Support legislation and funding to raise the Age of Juvenile Jurisdiction from 16 to 18 with <br /> the exception of felony crimes. <br />