Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 02/13/17 <br /> Date Revised: 02/15/17 <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 2/7/17 Review and consider request by Commissioner Price that 3/31/2017 Chair/Vice Chair to draft letter expressing <br /> the Board consider sending a letter of support to the Chair/Manager support for working <br /> Hillsborough Police Department regarding foreign nationals collaboratively with residents, <br /> who can drive being able to receive drivers licenses encouraging discussion, and <br /> opposition to any targeting <br /> 217/17 Conform the affordable I housing scoring criteria based on 2/20/2017 Travis Myren DONE' <br /> Board actions <br /> 2/7/17 Include a statement in the RFP that indicates a preference to 2/20/2017 Travis Myren To be included <br /> serve Orange County residents with affordable housing <br /> projects <br />