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7 23 <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich to: <br /> a.) adopt the proposed amendments by approving the Statement of Consistency (Attachment 6) <br /> and Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas (Attachment 7), with the exception of the Efland Real <br /> Property LLC properties: PIN 9844881230, 9844788137, 9844786242, 9844786236, which will <br /> be held over for further discussion with the community, and be brought back to the Board of <br /> County Commissioners no later than February 7th <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the community had been invited to the Planning Board <br /> meeting. <br /> Michael Harvey said letters were sent to residents that lived within 1,000 feet, including <br /> the Ashwick HOA. He said staff met their obligation under the ordinance, and provided notice of <br /> the Planning Board meetings and the Board of County Commissioners meetings. <br /> Commissioner Price said she respected the residents, but felt that this has been going <br /> on for a long time, and there have been opportunities for the neighborhoods to come to the <br /> meetings. She said this new designation is making the area better. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to his question about keeping this parcel open, and <br /> asked if options could be reviewed. He said this process was designed to clarify the zoning <br /> based on what is actually on these properties now and avoid creating non-conforming uses. He <br /> said the option of changing this property to general commercial is consistent with the fact that <br /> there is some type of commercial operation on the property now. <br /> Michael Harvey said when staff started meeting with the property owners there was <br /> concern with an existing industrial operation or manufacturing operation in this particular area of <br /> the County. He said rather than modifying or altering the existing industrial, staff was asked <br /> about rezoning the area to general commercial. He said staff reviewed numerous studies of the <br /> area, and found the suggestion was consistent with those documents, and moved forward with <br /> the change. He said this brings the property more into compliance with the Efland-Mebane <br /> Small Area Plan and the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the neighbors may want a residential zoning for this parcel, <br /> but that would be an unrealistic expectation. He said continuing the conversation may lead to a <br /> false hope. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he agreed with both Commissioner Dorosin and <br /> Commissioner Price, and he also thinks staff made good points. He said he knows from <br /> experience that residents do not understand the process, and he would like to create another <br /> forum for them to have a conversation with staff to be able to ask questions about how this <br /> affects their community. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she agreed with Commissioner Jacobs. <br /> Chair McKee asked Craig Benedict, Planning Director, if he could identify how long it <br /> would take to bring this item back, and if, during conversations with staff, the residents have <br /> expressed a desire for any of the proposed changes. <br /> Craig Benedict said when HOAs turnover from the developers to the HOAs, staff usually <br /> has meetings with them. He said the Ashwick HOA has turned over again, and staff can meet <br /> with the HOA to provide information and answer questions. He said staff did look at the existing <br /> zoning, and feels the proposal is a better solution for the property owners and the <br /> neighborhood. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she is fine with delaying a vote on this set of properties, but <br /> she would not want to wait until spring. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />