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as <br />The Operations Section will recruit eleven volunteers to collect data on the (120) homes, As previously <br />stated, study volunteers will be OCHD employees and PHR.C members. Eight volunteers will be recruited to <br />Fill the role of Telephone Interviewer Two volunteers will be recruited to fill the role of Data Entry <br />'Technician. One volunteer will be aslted to fill the role of Staff Preceptor and one volunteer will serve as the <br />Training Facilitator. The Operations Section Chief will serve as Database Developer. <br />Telephone Interviewers will attend none-hour orientation led by the Training Facilitator to learn about the <br />purpose the study and the importance of cornfidentialiry. Interviewers will also conduct mock telephone <br />interviews using the Question-by-Question form and telephone script, to become comfortable with <br />administering the questionnaire. <br />Data Entry Technicians will also attend aone-hour orientation session to become comfortable with the <br />project database. During this session, they will learn about the study's purpose and the importance of data <br />integrity. They will also practice entering data into the database. <br />This survey will be administered over a period of five days. Each "suney day" will run twelve hours and be <br />broken down into three shifts: Morning (8:00 a m. -12:00 p m ), Afternoon (12:00 p.m. -4:00 p m.) and <br />Evening (4:00 p m - 8:00 p m.) Each shift will have two'Telephone Interviewers. The Morning Shift will <br />contact twelve homes and the Afternoon Shift will contact twelve homes. Any homes that were unreachable <br />during the Morning and Afternoon shifts will be forwarded to the Evening Shift interviewers. With this <br />formula, we have the potential of surveying twenty-four homes per clay. <br />The Staff Preceptor will monitor Telephone Interviewers to ensure that the survey is conducted in <br />accordance with the Planning Section's objectives. At the start of each shift, the Staff Preceptor will provide <br />materials needed for administering the survey (blank questionnaires, pens, etc) At the end of each shift, the <br />Staff Preceptor will collect completed and any blank questionnaires and supplies. Blanlt questionnaires will <br />be forwarded to the Evening Slft Telephone Interviewers and completed questionnaires will be given to the <br />Data Entry Technician <br />The Data Entry Technician is expected m enter data collected from the twenty-four homes the morning after <br />that data was collected Data collected on the fifth day of the study (Friday) will be entered that following <br />Monday <br />Once all questionnaires are administered and data is entered, the Staff Preceptor will forward all Forms and <br />computer fffes to the Operations Chief. The Operations Chief will work with the Planning Section Chief to <br />analyze data <br />Page 20 of 47 <br />