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2 <br /> 1 Desired Outcomes should be "Ideas for making the County more sustainable and resilient...," <br /> 2 adding the word "sustainable." <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Commissioner Jacobs noted that the planning group had agreed to approach the retreat with <br /> 5 the aim of a zero tax increase. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Commissioner Burroughs asked where that would be discussed under the retreat agenda; she <br /> 8 asked if there was an intention to direct staff to prepare a budget this year with a zero tax <br /> 9 increase. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Commissioner Jacobs replied that the planning group had directed the staff to approach today's <br /> 12 discussions with the idea that we are aiming for a zero tax increase. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Bonnie Hammersley said that the staff presentations for today had been prepared with the aim <br /> 15 of a zero tax increase. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 The group added "Be Present" to its set of retreat ground rules in keeping with a request from <br /> 18 Commissioner Dorosin that participants not text, Tweet, or check their emails during the retreat. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Commissioner Rich acknowledged that Lee Worsley, Executive Director of the Triangle J <br /> 21 Council of Governments was in attendance. She said she invited him to the retreat because <br /> 22 TJCOG has been focusing on transportation and broadband for the past few months. She said <br /> 23 his presence will help her and him bring what they learned today back to the COG. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Bonnie Hammersley called attention to the star-shaped badge holders, "Orange County Stars," <br /> 26 at each Board member's place. She said these are tokens of appreciation to be given to <br /> 27 employees who attend the Manager's quarterly information sessions. She wanted to be sure <br /> 28 each board member also had one because they are also stars on the Orange County team. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Preparing for Change <br /> 31 Agenda Item Overview <br /> 32 Facilitator and planning committee members explain the focus of this agenda item: "How can <br /> 33 the County prepare for significant changes that might take place in the natural environment and <br /> 34 society? What does it mean to be "sustainable" or "resilient" given climate change, demographic <br /> 35 changes, fiscal limitations, and our commitments to social justice, economic viability and <br /> 36 environmental stewardship? Our intention is to use this time to (a) recognize the challenge, (b) <br /> 37 clarify our terms, and (c) generate ideas for making the County more resilient." <br /> 38 <br /> 39 The group talked generally about sustainability before hearing three substantive staff <br /> 40 presentations. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Commissioner Rich noted that the term "sustainability" can be overused, and asked if the retreat <br /> 43 planning group intended for today's discussions to be about sustainability in a broad sense— <br /> 44 how we're sustaining the budget and our larger projects —or with a more narrow focus. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Commissioner McKee said that the retreat planning group wanted the Board to clarify what it <br /> 47 means when it uses the term -- it is a code word that means different things to different people, <br /> 48 he said -- and to come to a common understanding of the word's meaning among Board and <br /> 49 staff for when we talk about County projects and tax levels. <br /> 50 <br /> 2 <br />