Orange County NC Website
Annual Report 5 <br /> January 20, 2017 <br /> Page 4 <br /> We informed stakeholders about our decision and we encourage residents to participate in the <br /> County's process for considering the MST. Letter to the governing boards on August 26t1 <br /> Diversity and Inclusion Program <br /> On November 3rd, we held a special meeting to receive information and insights from five <br /> professionals in Diversity and Inclusion. Staff is revising the draft program submitted to the <br /> Board in June and we will have further discussion in February 2017. <br /> Quality of our treated wastewater and biosolids <br /> In July 2016, we received the Platinum Peak Performance Award from the National Association <br /> of Clean Water Agencies for six consecutive years of meeting all standards for the quality of our <br /> treated wastewater. Our treated wastewater has phosphorus and nitrogen levels well below the <br /> limits set by the State for our Mason Farm Wastewater Treatment Plant. <br /> We also continue to meet all standards for the quality of the treated wastewater solids, and our <br /> Class A biosolids meet federal environmental standards for"exceptional quality." We recycled <br /> our "biosolids"primarily to enhance the soil on approved farmlands. Some biosolids are recycled <br /> at a private composting facility in Chatham County which makes a soil additive for landscaping. <br /> Infrastructure investments <br /> Capital investments, including debt payments for capital projects, account for about half of our <br /> costs. In 2016, we invested about $7.5 million to renew, replace and improve our infrastructure <br /> to maintain the reliability and quality of our services and the structural integrity of facilities. <br /> Current projects <br /> • Replacing water line on part of East Rosemary, Henderson and Hillsborough Streets <br /> • Installing a new water line on part of Hilltop Street <br /> • Replacing sewer near Emory Drive and Brigham Road <br /> • Renovating two of the four biosolids treatment tanks at the Mason Farm Wastewater <br /> Treatment Plant <br /> Upcoming projects <br /> • Replacing water and sewer lines on Dobbins Drive <br /> • Replacing sewer on Bolinwood Drive <br /> • Rehabilitating the pressurized sewer on Prestwick Road near Hamilton Road, and the <br /> wastewater pump station near Providence Road <br /> Completed in 2016 <br /> • Water line replacements at Halifax Road, Chase Park Road, Chase Avenue, Weiner <br /> Street, Emory Drive, Purefoy Road (east of South Columbia Street), Plum Lane and <br /> Evergreen Lane/Ridge Lane <br />