Orange County NC Website
3a <br />involving teaching children about farming. He asked if members would like to be involved with the proposal to let <br />him know, <br />h. Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan <br />Stancil reported that the Board of County Commissioners has restarted the Land Use Element update process <br />and has placed the Planning Board in charge of developing a new process for BOCC consideration. The BOCC <br />has also asked the Planning Board for their suggestions on an approach/process for updating the overall <br />Comprehensive Plan. Moon added that the advisory boards would be engaged in the process, Stancil said if <br />there are new initiatives from the BOCC it could impact how the APB proceeds with this project. <br />Mandell asked if, after reading the summary of debate from Dr. Claire Williams, the APB could invite the <br />Commission for the Environment and other interested citizens to hear about this important topic--genetically <br />engineered threats to agriculture. Staff noted that all APB meetings are open to the public, Kleese said that Dr <br />Williams should be contacted if more people were to be invited. Mandell volunteered to contact Mari Trosciair to <br />ask about inviting more people to the next APB meeting. Staff was asked to check availability of the larger <br />conference room. <br />ITEM #6: ADJOURNMENT <br />Next meeting date June 21, 2006; 7:30 p m at the Planning & Agricultural Building on Revere Road. <br />MOTION: Wynn motioned to adjourn at 9:30 p.m. <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval. <br />oravr nmy zooo nan,.,nwrw Preservnvon sovm n+eniov swnmorv Page 4 of 4 <br />