Orange County NC Website
31 <br />b. Agricultural Center Workgroup update <br />Kleese reported that the Agricultural Center Workgroup's final report would be presented on May 25th at the <br />BOCC meeting at the Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough at 7:30 p.m. APB members were invited, and <br />encouraged, to attend, <br />c, USDA I Orange County Teer Farm Celebration <br />Stancil reported that the USDA contacted Orange County, on short notice, and invited participation in their April <br />celebration event, The event was held to recognize the commitment of 10 million dollars to North Carolina for <br />farmland protection as part of the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program. Since a quarter of that money had <br />gone to the Lands Legacy Program in the form of conservation easements the USDA considered the County a <br />good partner for April 21-outreach event at the Teer farm. <br />d. Breeze Family Farm Research Facility <br />Stancil reported an event held at the William Breeze property on Walnut Grove Church Road, where Col. Breeze <br />has donated land to the NC State Agricultural Division. The property will be used for a research farm with the <br />possibility of an incubator organic farming operation, Members asked about the size and specific uses for the <br />research facility, Ranelis reported a total of 269 acres from two parcels from two families. The facility will be <br />called the W. C. Breeze Family Small Farm Research & Education Center. He added that the county is working <br />with NC State Cooperative Extension regarding what the county would like to see occur on at the site and might <br />consider partnering with other partners. Ranelis will keep the APB apprised of ongoing discussions, Mandell <br />proposed that staff draft a letter of appreciation to Col Breeze for APB consideration, Kleese agreed and other <br />members agreed. <br />e. Letter to Representative Faison Report <br />PREVIOUSLY the board requested the status of the Faison letter in relationship to House Bill #607. APB <br />discussions, regarding House Bill #607 in January, spoke to incentives for farm families such as tax reductions <br />and relief from legal fees associated with frivolous nuisance lawsuits. House Bill #607--legislation regarding <br />voluntary agricultural district programs--omitted the language designed to protect farmers from frivolous lawsuits.. <br />Walters reported speaking with Representative Faison at the Agricultural Summit about the omission. He <br />indicated there was an existing General Statute that covered this area and felt that would be sufficient. Faison <br />invited Walters to continue discussions at another time. Staff was asked to investigate what statute would cover <br />this area of concern. <br />Stancil said a draft letter was prepared asking Rep Faison to share the thought process about the changes that <br />limited ability for farmers to recover costs in a lawsuit, Walters reported she had not been able to reach Faison by <br />phone as of this time to follow up on their discussion at the Agricultural Summit. <br />Members discussed another point of concern regarding how to engage the public on the farm, protect the farmer <br />from liability issues and not require the farmer to go through complicated permitting processes. <br />Ranells added that a part of the enhancement to voluntary agricultural district program regarded the agri-tourism <br />liability law, as of yet there have been no impacts on insurance rates. The Farm Bureau will be following up with <br />the Insurance Commissioner to see what the impacts are. Ranells volunteered to assist Walters with follow-upon <br />this topic.. Moon added that the enhanced voluntary agricultural district program expands the definition of a bona <br />fide farm-which may expand the range of activities that farmers can do exempt from zoning regulations-- <br />important for people who want to do value-added type operations. It dovetails with the on-going planning initiative <br />and is important for farmers who want to bring the public to their farm to understand. <br />f. Junior Livestock Show and Piedmont Farm Tour <br />Kleese reported a successful Piedmont Farm Tour and thanked folks for their work to promote the tour.. Ranells <br />reported 650 visitors to Fickle Creek Farm and mentioned that the APB tri-fold display board and related <br />information was available for viewing. <br />Mandell and Moon reported a few onlookers at the APB booth during the Junior Livestock Show. <br />g. New Hope Park at Blackwood Farm <br />Stancil noted the BOCC had approved the process and appointed workgroup members. The workgroup is <br />scheduled to hold its first meeting in June and then break for the summer. Once the survey work is completed the <br />workgroup will begin the design process in September. Dickinson outlined a proposal for the Blackwood Farm <br />OftAFT M1lay Y006 ApX[ulluq~ Pmscrvallon BoaN MecAbq Summary Page 3 of 4 <br />