Agenda - 06-13-2006-5y
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-5y
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30 <br />ITEM #7: ITEMS FAR DISCUSSION <br />a. Environmental Responsibility Goal <br />(Commissioner Gordon thanked the APB for letting her sit in on the meeting and left at this time.) <br />Kleese introduced the BOCC's request to various advisory boards for recommendations to identify Action <br />Strategies for the new Environmental Responsibility Goal. The BOCC adopted a new goal entitled <br />"Environmental Responsibility in County Government" last December.. The goal included ten objectives, which <br />outline general areas of activity needed to accomplish the goal. To implement these objectives, more-specific <br />action strategies are needed. The BOCC has asked for the APB's assistance in identifying action strategies that <br />relate to the board's area(s) of expertise, <br />Stancii explained that the Environmental Responsibility in County Government Goal was designed to relate to <br />how the county does business, that is, to try to promote environmental ethics and environmental stewardship and <br />ecosensitivity within the way things are done in county government. He described the ten objectives followed by <br />specific departments who are being asked to look at each objective. For example with objective number one, <br />there has been an Environmental Stewardship Action Committee (ESAC) created and the ESAC will be holding <br />it's first meeting later this month. The Commission for the Environment is working on topics listed in objective <br />number five and other items related to air quality, Different departments and advisory boards are working on <br />developing concise action strategies that would implement the ten objectives by the end of June. Once these <br />action strategies are gathered the CFE is charged with putting together a package for BOCC consideration. <br />Stancii said that Objective #6 talks about forestry, which is related to work that the APB has done. Objective #9 <br />speaks to growth management procedures, which is also related to farmland preservation. <br />Kleese suggested that the county should consider it a priority to buy local food and local organic products at any <br />county function. He also suggested that there is too much paper in agenda packets, and asked if it would be <br />possible to request electronic copies of informational items instead of receiving paper copies by mail. He asked <br />about receiving electronic agenda packets. Stancii shared the arrangement that is in place for the Commission <br />for the Environment regarding electronic agenda packets and said that the same could be done for the APB, <br />Members should let staff know if they prefer electronic agenda packets. <br />McGarry asked if the county has a policy on smoke free buildings and designated smoking areas. Stancii <br />reported that county buildings are smoke free and some designated smoking areas are being reviewed. <br />Kleese asked if the APB could advocate for the development of a sustainable food system for the region. Stancii <br />replied that it would need tangible, specific, action strategies. Kleese asked if it would be appropriate to ask that <br />the county to put resources toward examining the food need in our region and what it would take to be self <br />sufficient-to grow our local food needs. Mandell clarified that the action strategy would be to ask the county to <br />fund a study. Stancii noted that the proposal may be outside of the scope of the project--the realm of county <br />government--but that some other groups are suggesting some strategies beyond the boundaries of county <br />government functions. <br />McGarry suggested that the county consider using biodiesel (and or other alternative) fuels. McGarry also asked <br />about composting the food waste at county facilities using worms (Brian Rosa is a good resource). Countywide <br />food waste could be composted. Dickinson asked about recycling plastics within Orange County and using <br />plastics as a resource, Kleese suggested looking at the lighting in county buildings, and ways to conserve/reduce <br />energy dependence, Stancii added that a team of staff members is working to accomplish the recently adopted <br />energy conservation goal and addressing this topic. <br />Brown asked if the Environmental Responsibility Goal includes schools within the county. Stancii added that the <br />CFE has raised the same question. Brown also suggested incorporating a light pollution guideline and noise <br />pollution guideline. Stancii noted a county light pollution ordinance was adopted last year. Ranells noted that the <br />BOCC has adopted "high performance guidelines" with some degree of green building requirements for funding <br />for new school facilities. Stancii added that the standards are the Triangle J Council of Government's high <br />performance standards. Dickinson asked about ways to reuse water, and could the County develop a mechanism <br />to re-use grey water for irrigation purposes. Stancii noted that OWASA and the University are beginning a re-use <br />water project. Kleese reiterated that if the Environmental Responsibility Goal includes the schools, the school <br />system should be asked to support the use of local food products. <br />Or+nFr May 3000 AO@vlWml PrcservMlan BoaN McMnp Smnmary Page 2 of 4 <br />
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