Agenda - 06-13-2006-5y
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-5y
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Minutes - 20060613
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2006
ORD-2006-025 - Voluntary Agricultural District Designation: Pearson Property
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~~ <br />DRAFT MEETING SUMMARY <br />AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION BOARD <br />May 17, 2006 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Tony Kleese, Vickie Brown, Elizabeth Walters, Marty Mandell, Spence Dickinson, James <br />and Patricia Wynn, Patrick McGarry <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Louise Tate, Whit Morrow, Mari Trosclair, and Don Johnson <br />GUESTS: Adrian Pearson, Alice Gordon <br />STAFF: ERCD Director David Stancil, Preservation Planner Tina Moon, EDC's Noah Ranells <br />ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER <br />Chair Kleese called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. (Another group was using the conference <br />room so the meeting had a late start.) <br />ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINl1TES March 15, 2006 <br />MOTION: Mandell motioned approval of March 15, 2006 meeting minutes. Seconded by Walters. <br />VOTE: Unanimously approved. <br />ITEM #4: WELCOME NEW MEMBERS <br />The APB welcomed new members Dickinson and McGarry. Members introduced themselves <br />and described their farm occupations, advocacy and interests. <br />ITEM #5: ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR <br />Kleese announced that he had served two terms as chair and was therefore ineligible to accept a <br />nomination for this election. He described the duties of the chair and vice-chair. Ranells, who formerly served as <br />the APB chair and vice chair, shared his experiences with the positions.. Wynn asked to make a special effort to <br />have a full board attendance at the June meeting and to postpone the elections until that time. Staff was asked to <br />convey this message to absent members, <br />ITEM #6: ITEMS FOR DECISION <br />a. Voluntary Agricultural District Application -Pearson Farm <br />Kleese introduced the Pearson Voluntary Agricultural District Application and reviewed the APB's <br />role in the approval process. Kleese noted an inconsistency with the information regarding the NRCS plan for the <br />Pearson application for certification as Oualifying Farmland. Moon said that farm plan had been updated and the <br />application was complete as described in the latest memo to the APB, The Board asked how Mr Pearson had <br />learned of the program. Stancil noted that the owner of a neighboring VAD participating farm had recruited Mr. <br />Pearson. The certification and approval process was discussed for new members, <br />MOTION: Walters motioned to recommend the Pearson VAD application to the BOCC. <br />Seconded by Wynn. <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval <br />b. Resolution of Appreciation -Bob Strayhorn <br />Stancil noted that Mr. Strayhorn sent his regrets, but that he could not attend the meeting due to <br />other obligations. The board celebrated Mr, Strayhorn's continued devotion to preserving agriculture in Orange <br />County. <br />MOTION: Mandell motioned that the Agricultural Preservation Board adopt the Resolution of Appreciation, <br />mail the resolution document to Mr. Strayhorn and then invite him to another meeting for an <br />official reading ceremony. Seconded by Walters. <br />VOTE: Unanimous approval. <br />oRAhT May x006 AptlntlluniPrcservaiion BOam Meeli,q Smnmary Page t of4 <br />
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