Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said the Eubanks Road Park and Ride lot is very close to a transit <br /> 2 dependent community, and asked if there is any possibility that the proposed buses could go to <br /> 3 the Rogers Road Community Center. <br /> 4 Brian Litchfield said the possibility of this bus line extending further is something to <br /> 5 consider in future phases. He said the existing services in this corridor will be realigned to <br /> 6 better serve the surrounding communities, and the Rogers Road community is of interest and <br /> 7 concern. <br /> 8 Commissioner McKee said he appreciated Brian Litchfield reporting in year of expense, <br /> 9 and he wished all plans would do that. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Public Comment: <br /> 12 Tom Farmer said he is in support of this Durham Orange Light Rail project. He read a <br /> 13 handout, which is on file in the Clerk's office. <br /> 14 Bonnie Hauser thanked the Board for asking Mr. Litchfield to speak tonight, and she and <br /> 15 her groups are in support of the BRT plan over light rail. <br /> 16 Alex Cabanis said he liked the presentation by Mr. Litchfield, and he supports the plan <br /> 17 for BRT over the light rail plan. <br /> 18 Chair Dorosin said this is not an action item, but just a report. He said the Board can <br /> 19 anticipate regular updates and information from GoTriangle over the next several months. <br /> 20 Commissioner Rich said there is a web page dedicated to Light Rail, which will be <br /> 21 updated as needed. <br /> 22 Commissioner Rich asked if the date of the work session could be provided. <br /> 23 Bonnie Hammersley said on February 7th or the 16th. <br /> 24 Commissioner Price said these items dealt with Chapel Hill, and asked if there will be <br /> 25 bus updates for the rest of the County. <br /> 26 Travis Myren said the Board will go through the funded, but not yet implemented, <br /> 27 services at the BOCC retreat on January 27th. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee to notify the FTA that Orange County <br /> 30 withdraws the December 2016 letter of intent due to information received indicating additional <br /> 31 local funding no longer being needed. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 No second. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Motion dies. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Chair Dorosin said this is a controversial issue, but ultimately everyone has the shared <br /> 38 goal of getting all the information conveyed in the most clear and accessible way, so that the <br /> 39 decisions made are based on a shared set of facts and assumptions. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 9. County Manager's Report <br /> 42 Bonnie Hammersley said there is a Bus and Rail page on the County's website. She <br /> 43 said all PowerPoint presentations will be added to this page. <br /> 44 Bonnie Hammersley introduced Theo Letman, the new Orange County Transportation <br /> 45 Director. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 10. County Attorney's Report <br /> 48 NONE <br /> 49 <br /> 50 11. Appointments <br />