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11 <br /> 1 - More conservative financing cost than previously presented and significantly <br /> 2 higher than available today <br /> 3 - State participation at 10% <br /> 4 • Includes all of the elements from the Original Orange County Bus and Rail Investment <br /> 5 Plan <br /> 6 - GoTriangle's existing and expansion bus services and capital investments <br /> 7 - Local share of CHT and OPT's expansion bus services and capital investments <br /> 8 per the D-O Transit Plans, funded at a higher level than in the original D-O <br /> 9 Transit Plans <br /> 10 - North-South Corridor Bus Rapid Transit (N-S BRT) Project, managed by Chapel <br /> 11 Hill Transit <br /> 12 - D-O LRT Project <br /> 13 - Hillsborough Train Station <br /> 14 - NCCU Station <br /> 15 • Does not include: <br /> 16 - Durham-Wake Commuter Rail Project <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Accounting for Uncertainties <br /> 19 • Significant contingency in D-O LRT capital cost <br /> 20 • Cash Reserves for Operating and State of Good Repair <br /> 21 • Sensitivity Analyses requires some additional local revenue or cost mitigation <br /> 22 - 10% capital cost increase for D-O LRT Project (similar to 0% state funding <br /> 23 share) <br /> 24 - Lower-than-expected sales tax revenues <br /> 25 - Higher than anticipated interest rates <br /> 26 • Working with local government partners and Funding and Community Collaborative to <br /> 27 develop plan to address sensitivity scenarios <br /> 28 - Financial Summit held 1-18-17 <br /> 29 - Continuing work with Staff Working Group to update County Transit Plans — <br /> 30 update expected this Spring <br /> 31 <br /> 32 The Original D-O LRT Project Cost has increased by 4% since 2011 D-O LRT Proposed <br /> 33 Budget. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Commissioner Price said GoTriangle has a new scenario that pushes financing out <br /> 36 three years. She asked if this will last over time. <br /> 37 Danny Rogers said it had to be pushed out so that financing would work. He said the <br /> 38 TIFIA (Transportation Innovative Finance Infrastructure Act) loan is a long-term loan that would <br /> 39 start after the project is complete, and would be paid off over time. He said the LOBs (Limited <br /> 40 Obligation Bonds) would be shorter term, and would happen while the project is under <br /> 41 construction, being paid off before the TIFIA loan begins. He said this allows the funds <br /> 42 identified for transit plans to be the funds that are used for transit plans. He said other <br /> 43 revenues would not have to be found. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price asked if the final cost of the project is known, since a loan is being <br /> 45 added and financing pushed out. <br /> 46 Danny Rogers said the cost is the same. He referred to a slide that overviewed the <br /> 47 finances. He said the TIFIA loan would be paid off in 2062. <br /> 48 Chair Dorosin asked if clarification could be given regarding the types of loans. <br /> 49 Danny Rogers said TIFIA is a federal program that has been around for many years for <br /> 50 major infrastructure projects. He said it allows for loans on very favorable terms. <br />