Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> 2 appoint the following to the Orange Unified Transportation Board: <br /> 3 <br /> 4 • Appointment of Justin Miller to a first full term to fill a vacancy (position #14) "At-Large" <br /> 5 expiring 09/30/2019. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 8 <br /> 9 12. Board Comments <br /> 10 Commissioner McKee said the questions he provided for GoTriangle are not all- <br /> 11 inclusive, but are just a starting point. He said he wants to get the conversation started due to <br /> 12 the great time restraints. <br /> 13 Commissioner Marcoplos said he was one of the first members of a group called Cobalt, <br /> 14 to deal with building inspectors. He said this group met, successfully, and helped streamline <br /> 15 how code officials implement codes. He said there could be a similar type of group to meet with <br /> 16 the various planning departments to help streamline the process. <br /> 17 Chair Dorosin said to treat this as a petition, and referred it to staff. <br /> 18 Commissioner Rich said the Family Success Alliance (FSA) met, and it is embarking on <br /> 19 a community engagement strategic plan. She suggested having Todd McGee, Community <br /> 20 Relations Director, involved in these discussions. <br /> 21 Commissioner Burroughs had no comments. <br /> 22 Commissioner Jacobs thanked Dr. Colleen Bridger for her services as the Orange <br /> 23 County Health Director, and wished her well in her move to San Antonio, TX. <br /> 24 Commissioner Jacobs said the Ag Summit has been moved to February 20, 2017. He <br /> 25 said the two main thrusts of the summit are: what is a bona fide farm; and broadband in rural <br /> 26 areas, and how the County is hamstrung and can free residents from corporate dictatorship. <br /> 27 Commissioner Jacobs suggested using this part of the agenda to report as liaisons on <br /> 28 their various outside boards or conferences. He said some Commissioners do this via email, <br /> 29 and some do not do it at all, but it would be helpful for all to receive regular updates on <br /> 30 important information. <br /> 31 Donna Baker said Todd McGee has developed a reporting sheet for Commissioners to <br /> 32 complete after going to conferences, and it has been emailed to the Board. She said this is an <br /> 33 additional tool. <br /> 34 Commissioner Price went to the Rural Action Caucus Symposium, and broadband in <br /> 35 rural areas was a big topic of discussion, due to its widespread impact. <br /> 36 Commissioner Price said Bill Ingram, Durham Tech President, has talked with the <br /> 37 Manager's office about erecting another building on the Orange County campus of Durham <br /> 38 Tech. She suggested putting this topic on a future work session to give Durham Tech some <br /> 39 parameters or guidelines, so that all involved are on the same page. <br /> 40 Commissioner Price said she attended a book launch at the FRANK that was done with <br /> 41 the children from the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association. She said it was a fantastic <br /> 42 event. <br /> 43 Commissioner Burroughs referred to Commissioner Jacobs' comments on liaison and <br /> 44 conference reporting, and said her listening skills tend to wane after the appointments portion of <br /> 45 regular meetings, and would encourage emails as a way to communicate these updates. <br /> 46 Chair Dorosin said the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness met this week, <br /> 47 and the coordinator will be presenting an update to the Board in early 2017. He said the <br /> 48 Partnership is conducting a gaps analysis that will highlight gaps in existing services, as well as <br /> 49 provide a broad map for how to move through the system. He said the Partnership is also <br />