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24 <br /> 1 Chair Dorosin reminded the Board that it is only discussing a policy change tonight. <br /> 2 Commissioner McKee said outside agencies are vital to Orange County, and he does <br /> 3 not mind raising the grant amount up to 1.2%, but he does have a problem with expanding the <br /> 4 capital policy any more than what is written in the proposal. He said there are several outside <br /> 5 agencies that are in the midst of capital campaigns, and if the Board opens that door it may not <br /> 6 be able to close it. He said he is concerned that the County will end up picking up all capital <br /> 7 costs for outside agencies. <br /> 8 Commissioner Rich said she is fine with the target for 1.2%, but she does not like <br /> 9 limiting more options for capital funding. She said the Rape Crisis Center is the only <br /> 10 organization that provides these services, and she cannot support the portion of the policy that <br /> 11 does not provide more options. <br /> 12 Commissioner Jacobs said he will vote for this policy, but he is hesitant to increase the <br /> 13 funding in advance of the budget process. He said he wants to support the non-profit <br /> 14 community. <br /> 15 Commissioner Jacobs said he would rather see non-profits, seeking capital funding, to <br /> 16 meet with staff about this policy. He said there are ways in this policy to address capital needs. <br /> 17 Commissioner Burroughs said she is supportive of the increase in the percentage of <br /> 18 funding. She said there are many non-profits that would like to own their own buildings, and <br /> 19 rent can be covered in operating costs. She said non-profits often outgrow their space, and <br /> 20 renting can allow nimble actions. She said there are so many needs coming at the BOCC from <br /> 21 the State and Federal government, and she cannot support broadening the exceptions. <br /> 22 Commissioner Price said she has worked with non-profits for years, and it is difficult to <br /> 23 find funding for capital costs. She said, in reading the proposal, she sees options for possible <br /> 24 discussions regarding capital needs, and it is a good first step. She said changes can be made <br /> 25 in the future. <br /> 26 Chair Dorosin said 1.2% is a target, and the provisions for capital funding are just that; it <br /> 27 is not a commitment one way or the other, and gives the BOCC more options to evaluate on a <br /> 28 case-by-case basis. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs to <br /> 31 adopt the Outside Agency Funding Financial Policy, as written in Attachment 1. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Commissioner Rich) <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Two minute break <br /> 36 <br /> 37 7-d GoTriangle Appointment/Representation –added item – no abstract- <br /> 38 Chair Dorosin reviewed the background on this item. He said former Commissioner <br /> 39 Pelissier contacted him, and asked if she could stay on the GoTriangle Board of Directors until <br /> 40 the BOCC picks its boards in January 2017. He said he was not comfortable doing this. He <br /> 41 said the next five months is a critical window with GoTriangle. He said this is in no way a <br /> 42 criticism of Commissioner Pelissier and her excellent work on this subject, but it reflects his <br /> 43 concerns about this time period with GoTriangle. <br /> 44 Chair Dorosin said he asked the Manager and the County Attorney about this process, <br /> 45 and if the BOCC can appoint someone now or must it wait until January. He said the BOCC <br /> 46 has the option to select a new representative to the GoTriangle Board this evening. He said <br /> 47 there is a caveat that former Commissioner Pelissier is the GoTriangle representative on the <br /> 48 Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and if the BOCC replaces her, it is at the discretion <br /> 49 of the GoTriangle Board as to whom it places on the MPO. <br />