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22 <br /> 1 Each year as a part of the budget process, Outside Agencies' applications and scorecards are <br /> 2 provided to the County Manager to assist in recommending funding decisions as part of the <br /> 3 Manager's Recommended Budget. <br /> 4 The Board of County Commissioners then approves funding as part of the Budget Adoption <br /> 5 process in June of each year. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 November 2016 Work Session <br /> 8 Following a presentation and work session on November 10, 2016, the Board of County <br /> 9 Commissioners directed staff to develop a financial policy which specifies the funding <br /> 10 methodology for funding Outside Agencies. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 The following five funding scenarios were presented; <br /> 13 1) Percent of Budget <br /> 14 2) Previous Year's Allocation as Base <br /> 15 3) Incremental Unit of Tax Rate <br /> 16 4) Dollars Per Capita <br /> 17 5) Fixed Dollar Amount <br /> 18 <br /> 19 The percent of budget methodology was determined to be the most appropriate funding option <br /> 20 for the County. The County has historically funded Outside Agencies at 1% of the County <br /> 21 Budget (Less the Education Appropriation). The BOCC directed staff to increase the funding <br /> 22 target from 1% to 1.2%. Based on the FY 2016-17 Approved Budget (Less the Education <br /> 23 Appropriation), 1% equates to $1,121,467 and 1.2% equates to $1,345,761. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 The work session included discussion on the merits of capital funding as part of Outside <br /> 26 Agency Funding. The general sentiment was that the financial policy be primarily for funding <br /> 27 operating expenses, but that there may be an exception for BOCC consideration. The financial <br /> 28 policy provides guidance for a capital funding exception (Attachment 1). <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Financial Policy-DRAFT-Attachment 1 <br /> 31 Outside Agency Funding <br /> 32 Orange County provides grants to outside agencies to perform a variety of services for Orange <br /> 33 County residents. On annual basis, the County will target 1.2% of the County's General Fund <br /> 34 expenditures, less the appropriation for education expenses, for the purpose of funding outside <br /> 35 agency operations. The education appropriation includes funds allocated to fund current <br /> 36 expenses, recurring capital, long range capital, health and safety contracts, school debt service, <br /> 37 and funds provided to the Durham Technical Community College. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 The County Manager shall design an outside agency application and scoring process. This <br /> 40 process will be used to evaluate outside agency applications and make recommendations to the <br /> 41 Board of Orange. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 County Commissioners on individual outside agency grant awards. A brief justification will be <br /> 44 available to the Board of Commissioners to explain the County Manager's recommendations. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Outside agency grants shall be used to fund an agency's operating expenses. These operating <br /> 47 expenses may include personnel, contracted services, debt or loan payments, or other <br /> 48 expenses related to the day to day operations of the agency. <br /> 49 <br />