Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> As you're aware, the County is working on adopting updated school impact fees. As a result of <br /> comments from development interests, the BOCC is attempting to adopt language that would <br /> "grandfather" projects that have either a Zoning Compliance Permit (ZCP) or Building Permit by <br /> January 1, 2017. These projects would be able to pay the 2016 impact fee amounts if they also <br /> meet other timely development criteria. <br /> I'm writing to see if you can provide me with a list of residential projects that have either a ZCP or <br /> Building Permit (or that are expected to have one by the end of the year). We also need to know <br /> how many units (and type of unit—Multi-family, single-family attached, etc.) each project entails. <br /> If you have questions about this request, please let me know. Also, I'd appreciate a very speedy <br /> response as this topic was delayed at last night's BOCC meeting until the meeting on the 13th so we <br /> can gather this info from the municipalities. <br /> Thanks!!! <br /> Perdita Holtz, AICP <br /> Planning Systems Coordinator <br /> Orange County, NC Planning Department <br /> 919.245.2578 <br />