Orange County NC Website
MPO Board 10/19/16 <br /> Appendices 2 and 3. Transit Services <br /> The transit plans for the Triangle region are heavily informed by the Alternatives Analysis conducted <br /> by Triangle Transit for three transit corridors (Wake, Durham-Orange and Durham-Wake) and the <br /> Durham, Orange and Wake County transit financial plans that have been adopted by the Durham- <br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO and the NC Capital Area MPO. Transit investments are envisioned to <br /> create a seamless system composed of three critical elements: Bus, Rail, and Circulators: <br /> • BUS: A significant expansion of bus service throughout the Triangle, adding new routes to <br /> communities presently without service, and improvements to existing routes, including the <br /> development of Bus Rapid Transit service along MLK Boulevard in Chapel Hill. <br /> • RAIL: light rail transit connecting Chapel Hill with Durham and Cary with North Raleigh <br /> through central Raleigh and the NC State campus; and commuter rail linking Durham with <br /> Garner, Raleigh, Cary,Morrisville and the Research Triangle Park. <br /> • CIRCULATORS: High-frequency, short-distance services linking major activity centers to <br /> regional and intercity rail services. <br /> The table below summarizes major investments involving dedicated transit guideways; these <br /> projects plus bus routes are included in the tables in this appendix. <br /> Major Transit Investments by MTP Period(see map in 2040 MTP document) <br /> Investment Type of Service MTP Period <br /> Downtown Cary to Raleigh Millbrook Light Rail 2021-2030 <br /> UNC Hospital to Durham Alston Avenue <br /> North Carolina Central University Light Rail 2021-2030 <br /> Durham Alston Avenue to Briggs Avenue (extension) Light Rail 2031-2040 <br /> Durham(Duke Hospital)to Garner Commuter Rail 2021-2030 <br /> MLK Boulevard in Chapel Hill <br /> Eubanks Rd to Southern Village via UNC Hospitals Bus Rapid Transit 2021-2030 <br /> The CTP transit projects are the same at the MTP projects except for the following additions: <br /> • Light Rail Transit extension from UNC-CH through Carrboro to Eubanks Road; <br /> • Regional Rail extension from west Durham through Hillsborough to Mebane; and, <br /> • Additional Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Chapel Hill. <br /> A full listing of all transit projects including the implementation year is in the table that follows. <br /> Each row in the table is a separate transit route or service,by direction.The attribute information for <br /> each project is presented in columns. Key attributes include: <br /> Route Name—This name provides information to help identify the transit system,local route <br /> identification information, and the destination points of the route. Each transit route typically has 2 <br /> directions (Eastbound/Northbound and Westbound/Southbound). <br /> Mode—The type of service (e.g. light rail, commuter(regional)rail,local bus, express bus, shuttle <br /> service). <br /> Headway—the time between each bus or train on the route,both during peak commute periods and <br /> "off-peak"periods during the mid-day and evening. <br /> Start and Stop Years — Indicates the years in which the service will begin and end. In some cases, a <br /> service may have a stop year that is before 2040 because it is replaced by a different type of service <br /> Page 3 of 3 <br />