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21 <br /> Animal Control Ordinance <br /> (2) In the event that the Owner or Keeper of the animal does not appear in response to <br /> the described citation, the civil penalty is not paid within the time period <br /> prescribed, or if the animal previously has been declared viciousdangerous upon <br /> payment of a citation or the conviction of the Owner or Keeper a criminal <br /> summons may be issued against the Owner or Keeper for violation of this chapter <br /> and upon conviction, the Owner or Keeper shall be punished as provided by this <br /> Ordinance. <br /> (3) Upon the issuance of a citation for an animal which has committed any of the acts <br /> described in this Section, the animal must be confined either in the home of the <br /> Owner or Keeper, at an animal shelter, a kennel as provided in Sections 4-71 and <br /> 4-72 below or a veterinarian's office until such time that the required pen is <br /> constructed, the animal is destroyed, or a judge finds that the animal is not a <br /> viciousdangerous animal. <br /> (4) The Animal Services Director has the authority at any time to require that a <br /> viciousdangerous animal not be kept in the Owner's or Keeper's home. The <br /> animal must stay confined through any legal appeals. The Owner or Keeper shall <br /> be responsible for the costs incurred in the animal's confinement. If the animal is <br /> found not to be a viciousdangerous animal, the County shall be responsible for the <br /> cost of animals kept at the Animal Services facility for that purpose. <br /> (h) Effect of Citation. <br /> (1) Upon payment of a citation or the conviction of the Owner or Keeper for <br /> having an animal which without provocation has committed any of the acts <br /> described in subsection(b) above, said animal is declared a viciousdangerous <br /> animal. <br /> (2) Upon the payment of a citation or the conviction of the Owner or Keeper for <br /> having an animal which on or off the property of the Owner or Keeper and <br /> without provocation has killed or caused life threatening injuries through <br /> bite(s)to a person, the animal will be seized by the Animal Control Officer <br /> and destroyed in a humane manner. <br /> (3) Any animal previously declared viciousdangerous upon the payment of a <br /> citation or by conviction of the Owner or Keeper for a violation of this <br /> subsection, that commits a subsequent violation of the subsection, will cause <br /> the Owner or Keeper to be charged with that violation. Upon the Owner or <br /> Keeper's conviction of that violation, the animal will be destroyed in a <br /> humane manner. <br /> (4) Any violation of this section may be a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of <br /> five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisonment of not more than thirty(30) <br /> days. <br /> Adopted 1/21/2016 Unified Animal Control Ordinance Page 20 <br /> Effective 3/1/2016 <br />