<br />PRtCI1:Cr POLii\G Pi.~?CH
<br />C'ra o e~. !:i it 'F, in9titute Of GO V_r:im E.nt
<br />Berrack_ (Relei~h Pond)
<br />C ann ei. Hill =`4 Chapel Hi 11 Sch ooi
<br />(Cone House)
<br />Cta pal Hiil '?S Gl ens. ood School
<br />
<br />ca ro ld Nslt ors
<br />?rtes, Irene Sorngas
<br />'17elter 3aucnn
<br />aGleYneV RS R2sbfe
<br />;Ass. Raymond Ad¢ms
<br />... .,. Dorsett
<br />5'rs. T_i red s eyvie v ilia ?alph Rlac'rn~o
<br />B.-Theodore Dol let
<br />Setty Juno Hay zs
<br />C1erX of woe rd of ro.nmissioners
<br />S. T Latta, Jr,
<br />Chairran of ^,our.ty Board of 'elect
<br />Se ct!or. 4. That the ore ci nc is and oo lltn places and the nn:n es of the rE gists
<br />'and ,{ud cos ah ich he ve been inserted in the fnrecoing ne tics ere tee precincts and po
<br />~lnf pieces which have been `!xed and tt:e r.a-,es c_° tee resist rs rs rend judges ::•?;o ::^.n ve
<br />bean app o!rt ed for each precinct by the County 3c erd of ^].e ct!ov of Orenre County,
<br />!ard sech orecinets erd oohing places end such registrars and ,fndces sh e11 be tae
<br />?rec!nc is and poil!ng pin ce s, an? tae re,?is trs rs a^d ,1 ud Fes for the else ti or..
<br />~ Section $. 11;at the fo nn of the ballot to be used at se!d ei act ion shsL be
<br />a
<br />,sacs tsniia lly ns foli or,s:
<br />O FG'IC IAL &1LLOT
<br />SPLC I2.L BOSD hi,5CPI0N
<br />in the
<br />COLA^_Y 07 0?A.ti^a, VC3I;i CROI~I\A
<br />6ferch 27, 19$5
<br />inst ra ctio ns
<br />1. To vote "FO?" the quest io.^. make a cress (X.) as rk Sn the sgie re to the left
<br />of the :+ord "FOR".
<br />7, To vote "AGA 1:`1S^:" the awes tion males a cross (X) msrk ir, the savers to the
<br />left of the wort "A ^niHST".
<br />?, If you tear or de`ece or t;r onaly mark this ke li of retur.^. it ens cat en othe r.
<br />...,.. FOR the order rY really pessed an Febr usry 70, 1955, eu ti:o riz!ng
<br />not exceed!n,^ ?,000,000 School ?uii ding Ro reds of the County
<br />, of Oran„„-e for tha aurpose of oro viding fund s, wt th any other
<br />.....- ave ileble fund s, for erac t!ng addi do rsl scno A buildings
<br />and otter school plant foci lities, re modeling rend enlar dreg
<br />e-~a Stine school buildings end other scY.ool plant fee iii tie s,
<br />and score it in,- necessary lend end eculpme rt the refer in order
<br />to ?rn vide eddltia~al el e:r.~E r.ta r,; and Saco rd ery school fscili-
<br />ties in said County to maintain t'r.e six mo r. tY.s' sch ooi tern as
<br />required by Sec tica ? of Article iX of t__ Consticu lien, end
<br />¢ tax there`or,
<br />,,,,,. ,1u4L^15T tae order ti really passed on February 70, 1955, eu taor SZine
<br />, not exceeding ",;7,000, OCO School °uiid inF Bonds of the .^, ova rely
<br />, of Or¢n:e for the nuroose of pro vidinE funds, :ri tr: en}• other
<br />.,,,,,, ave!lable funds, for erac ting add'_Ci o=s1 sch eol 'ocild in cs
<br />and other school relent fec111ti es, remodel.inF aad en larE!ns
<br />exi st!r.F, sc hool 'ovild!nRs and other school of ant teci lities,
<br />aad acquit inF necessary land and equ!na:enC taerz rot in ardor
<br />to pro v_de eddi tlonsl el ems ntsr5 end Saco rda rY sc hocl fec!11-
<br />ties in said County to mart e!n the six me nth s' school ter-: es
<br />required ty Section j of hr ti cle IX o_^ the Co ns titu t!on, and
<br />a tax the rotor.
<br />Facsimile of si r..net a^e of
<br />C1=_: !< o^ Board cf Co~r.m!ss!c nets
<br />Fsesim!le of si-natu re of
<br />CF.a!^rnn o^ Cou r.ty Boa r~ oT Elections
<br />'' Se cti o.^• o. Phat the Clcr'r of the Bea zd c` Comr.!ssloners is ?:ersby direc tee to
<br />'imm ediate l7! certify a co ov of to _:; re sn lu tioa to said Ccu rely Baard oT Faectle ns oT
<br />Ore r.ee Joun r.^,
<br />The..*euoo r, uoon am do r. of Co.mmis si ones cd;r _n S. L = , SEC nr.d ed 'ol Corm:issio rear
<br />D, '.. ?e P, tte forego irg re so iution entitled: "3F5,"L:iP~Oii C?iI I?;C A 5?!C T_dL 'r.0\B
<br />~L~nC'i 10::" r;ae pessed by the foi lov:in_ vc te:
<br />.,yes: Cc~~T'.i ssinne rs 3. J. i'. ?obbs, Edwin S. Lanier, D. i, Rey and 'r.er:rq ~.
<br />i 7alk=_. .
<br />Sr,
<br />