Orange County NC Website
5~~ L;inuces of u':e ?s and of County Co .Hiss io Hers <br />ii 'eb ruary Z0, 1956 <br />The Eoerd of Co miss io Hers for the County of Oran r. e, ?lorth Carolina, met in <br />adJcur ned re.z ular session at the County Court hwase 1n °111sbo ro, the usual place of <br />:ne eti nF, at 10 o'cl oc4, A.;.!., or. Februe r, 70, 1956. <br />?resent: Chairmen R. d. '.. Cobb s, ar:d Co:rmissionors nd r. ie S. Lar.le r, D, T. °ay <br />end 9e nrv 3. i'Js 11<e r, <br />Absent: Sim L. &`lsrd, <br />P'ne Cceirrnan announced t'rat this :vas the da to and hour flied by the 3oa rd for the <br />o ub lie hea ri n•^ ¢pon the order en ti tied: "0°.DEA AJ'?c0'121ii; 4;?, OCQ 000 3C EOOL 3U1LD 1IJG <br />cOFDS", and that the .;o a rd +vould ! me di ¢tely hear any and all citizens and taxpayers <br />r+ho n_[ht desire to protest ags first the issus ace of said to nd s. <br />ivc ci tiz ea or taxpayer of tFe County appeared, either in person or by eft or Hey, <br />to Protest e~ainst the issuance of sry of said 'ca nds, enc the Cler't ennounc ed that no <br />protest in •nri ti ng, si¢ned b;7 any citizen or taxpayer, 'ned been present ed, exce pt <br />0.. .?iley ¢nr. ;J. A, ?o71d, resit ir.e et °illstor p, M1. C., tube sppeared in oe rson and <br />protested exai nst Cre Issuance pf tF:e fonds, <br />A11 of the fore go lrg ore tests •.ve re duly co ne idered ty th.e Bc erd. <br />Thar eu po n, upon notion of Cemmissi oner Pdu•in 3, Lanier, sate nd ed by Com:ni ssi on er <br />D. :'. ..°.e; and carried, the order introduced ar:d passed on first .*eadinrs on ?ec nary 6, <br />156 eetitle c: "03D'cR 90A 1'<1 h0 se, 000, 000 Sr, ^OOL .'IIL~Di;f ": 50;~~5" :vss read s senond <br />ti:!e er.d eloped upon its~~f anal passage. ^he vo*.e upon the fi nel passe ae of said <br />order r+e s: <br />Ayes: Commis stoners ~, 7, !., Uo bb s, =dvrin S.. Le n_er, D. '., Rsy snr. 9enry 5, <br />'Jalke r, <br />'sin es: hionc--, <br />The C'ra irs:e .^. then announced that the crder anti tied: "C?^'9 A`7Tgp=iLrl;^ <br />j&r,000,000 3CF.GOL EU1LDlG0 c0"U S' had p¢ss ed. <br />T:a Clar's ~ho:e upen directed to out list said order in the !;er+s of Ora n.ce <br />1. County, once !n sack: of taro sate asst v= v+a eks, end to publish at tt:e _^oot cf said <br />;order the amended note as re m:l red 'cy The County ?insnce Act, es a,-ended, <br />She ra unp:: Commi ss'_oner °_d•s fir, 5. is Hier in roducod t.._ fb ll o+v ink resolution ::hi ph <br />,C:a9 ... ad: <br />ESOLC TOIJ Ce L1.`;0 3?cClA i~ <br />c'o II ..^.cSCL'!fJ by the _oard p_ Co,nmi ssione rs for the County of Orange: <br />Section 1, Thet a special bond el actin.^, is ^.er eby celled to to veld of Sues day, <br />;(srch 27, 195 h, be t~seen 6: ?0 A. c. and. 5:90 ?. L!., 3estern Ste rd and Time, et :vh!ch there <br />sha 11 to sut:nit tad to tixe cs L'fied voters o` Ora r: ca County the (b11 pv:_ng euestion: <br />S?sil an order finally passed oa ?eb ruery r0, 1956, e:athorizinp <br />l'r.e County pi' C: an ce, itor tk: Carolina, to oo ntrec* a debt, !.. <br />addi t!oa tp any xr~ al'_ aCeer deft :a!eh said County may no+v or <br />hereafter k!e ve no'ser or eu t::^.p ri ty to con tract, aad Sn avid epee <br />t he reo° rc issva ScAoc1 "cut lr, i.^._ Zones 'a as s~.,zre _rsie ~-!nci ¢1 <br />emo~nt rot exceed i..^.L ;j2, 000,OOG for t'~:e ourocse o° movie ins <br />^und s, '.v1 t9 ery other avai let la Lan d.s, far erecting ~ddit io.^.21 <br />s simoi tuild in gs and other se hoot olsnc ^sc it it ies, re sod ei ir.a <br />sad cnlarcinc exi sCS.^.,- schoel tuildi nrs erd of:^.er school ola nt <br />"sciliti es, z.:d acsuir!na. ..^.ec esse ry lend and eou io:re r.t t:i:e rcicr <br />in order tc nrp vice addltionsl elemencsrv ¢ti see onde ry school <br />fepi titles in said founts tp rs in taro the siT. s' sc!;cel <br />as reeu?red t setter. ? o-' +rt icle L:t of the Ocnst±tu tinn, <br />e.^.d~ a+athori an; the le •r/ acrd collection pf e s+a°^SCient tsx for <br />the pay.-s.^.t o^ t..s principal of and the fir, to -e st on se id bor:d s, <br />ns. _ ed~ <br />Sec';or. Pi:¢t for ss is el se ti p:: t !-u'_s*' re~_is lra t_pr, bee ka for elections <br />in _~id Count; s'h ell to used =nd snch tc pies sr~ll to pp^^ for r+,e __ :. prior. o. <br />vpt%±-s ,,^ot t^.e rct p. pre regist cr ed 11'c v-, 9 o'clcc.:, ur. t_1 stn set or: each da;., <br />be yin ni r.;: 5s t.uday, ::s-ch 9, 19=6, and ci os i.^.?. 5e tu>esy, "arcY 17, 1955.. On sate. <br />Sa tv±c sy do-Lt su.h 're ,: ,trs i_e^ ceriod suer: bpo'~s ee:aa be opec e. tine ppl ii r.. pl¢ces <br />Sa to rda~, "~,er cL 2L„ l9',-5, shs 11 to C!:ellen¢e Da. <br />>acta m: 9. Lt st s notice of aid election scale 'ce out3'shed i!e:+s of <br />p•a-_s,a ,. c~.: n:/, ~t leasS `d'T!:+=_}'s be`ore -. c_=..e .. ne'c ova xc9 _ ss id el ec«ic.^. <br />_: se__=r t.v'_c- te`„re tk:e ale o-.+p: et inter ears of`at less` p.^.e :re a'c er. <br />o acl!ra liens, su ci: oo tics to ba substen really ss toll p:a <br />iCv 71Ci 0? SPL 'a.i =0 :':~ 'CT. G:v <br />`_n - <br />COiiaTy f,? C'AS::=,^'02"? Cd?OiI td <br />A special coed sl ectie.^. :ri 1i he he is thrs pgr cue Grange Cc•.a nt-, i:cr tt Car o'_in s, <br />