Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
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8/29/2008 3:46:34 PM
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8/29/2008 9:32:24 AM
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Minutes - 20060613
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2006
S Grant - Community and Schools Phase III Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Initiative Grant Acceptance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2006\2006 Grants
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9 <br />Name of Grantee: Dranee county Health Department Grant H): <br />Type of Grant; `TEEN PIiIII Grant Amount $289,000 <br />Grant Cycle: Initial <br />Effective Date: July 1, 2006 <br />Termination Date: June 30' 2007 <br />NC HEALTH AND WELLNESS TRUST FUND COMMISSION <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />Grant Agreement (also the "Agreement") is entered into this 1st day of .July, 2006 (the "Effective <br />Date") by and between the North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund Commission (the "Commission"), <br />an agency of the State of North Carolina organized pursuant to Article 6C of Chapter 147 of the N.C. General <br />Statutes, funded by a portion of North Cazolina's receipts from the Master Settlement Agreement with <br />participating tobacco manufacturers, whose principal place of business is 501 North Blount Street, Raleigh, <br />North Carolina 27604 and the entity identified in detail in Attachment D (also, the "Grantee"), (also, together <br />"the Parties" arrd each in the singular "the Party") <br />In consideration of mutual promise and such other valuable consideration as is set out in the <br />Agreement, the Parties do mutually agree to the following: <br />Section I Definitions <br />The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement: <br />A. Application -The Grantee's written response to the Commission's Request for Grant Proposal.. The <br />Application is set forth in Attachment A-I. <br />B Approved Project Budget -Amount of the Grant allocated to specific expenditure categories as <br />approved by the Commission and set forth in Attachment B-1. The line items within an Approved <br />Project Budget may be modified with the prior written approval of Commission staff; but the total <br />amount of the Grant must remain the same unless the Commission gives written approval to change <br />the amount of the Grant. <br />C. Area of Service -The county(ies) which will receive Grantee's Project Services as set forth in <br />Attachment C. <br />D. Attachments -Those documents labeled as Aiachments A through G which are attached to this <br />Agreement and incorporated herein by reference as a substarrtive part ofthis Agreement. If there is a <br />conflict between the language contained in an Attachment and this Agreement, the language of the <br />Agreement shall control.. <br />E. Capital Expenses -Funds used to purchase furniture, fixtures and equipment, with a unit price of at <br />least $500, dedicated to the Project and designated as "Capital" in the Approved Project Budget. <br />F. Carry-forward -Any funds allocated to the Grantee by the Commission for any term ofthe Project but <br />not spent by the Grantee in that term. <br />G. Client(s) -The North Carolina residents or entities who will benefit from Grantee's Project.. <br />
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