Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
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8/29/2008 3:46:34 PM
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8/29/2008 9:32:24 AM
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Minutes - 20060613
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2006
S Grant - Community and Schools Phase III Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Initiative Grant Acceptance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2006\2006 Grants
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~~ <br />$6,000 in Meeting Expenses will include the cost of two peer educator trainings and team <br />building weekends. Refreslunents and other costs for platming meetings for two peer <br />educator groups meeting bi-weekly during the year (approx.. 45 meetings).. <br />C. Provide a description of the bank accounts, internal accounting ledgers, books and <br />procedures that will be used to account for HWTFC grant funds.. (Note: Successful <br />applicants will enter into a grant agreement with HWTFC that requires nonprofit <br />organizations to open an interest bearing account exclusively for HWTFC funds. <br />Governmental organizations will be required to deposit HWTFC funds in a restricted <br />grarrt account.) (1,000 chazacters) <br />The grant money is accounted for on the general ledger under an account number specific to <br />this grant. All money coming into the County is deposited into the county's main cash <br />account. Any checks received or money expended is documented on the ledger either by PO; <br />check requisition or internal posting (motor pool). The Health Department has a Business <br />Officer who approves purchases, and keeps copies of all purchases and checks received from <br />HWTF, The requests for payment go to the County Finance department where they are <br />checked again for appropriateness. The program coordinator and Health Promotion and <br />Educational Services Division Director will maintain an excel spreadsheet that will track <br />monthly grant expenditures and provide an accurate record of line item amounts. <br />D. Provide a complete list of sub-recipients of HWTFC funding under the grant (including <br />partners, collaborators and other contractors), the amount of HWTFC funding each will <br />receive and a specific description of how the lead applicant organization will account for <br />funds disbursed to sub-recipients. (3,000 characters) <br />Sub-recipients of funds are the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and Orange County <br />Schools. Sub-recipients will receive funds as part of the mini-grant program, The arnount of <br />funds that each sub-recipient will receive is dependent on the mini-grant projects awarded <br />within each school district. The mini-grant funds are not to exceed $500 per project and a <br />maximum of five projects will be awarded each year, During each mini-grant cycle, the <br />combined arnount of mini-grant awards for each district will we calculated and the OCHD <br />will write a check to each district for the specified amount.. The Health Coordinator for each <br />district will manage expeditures of the funds in collaboration with adult leaders (teachers) of <br />mini-grant recipient groups. A written surrunary detailing activities will be required of each <br />mini-grant recipient upon completion of the mini-grant. <br />T!Jnd of Part III <br />21 <br />
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