Orange County NC Website
<br />Department, North Cazolina Amateur Sports Association, UNC-CH School of Public Health, <br />Office of Minority Health/State Baptist Convention, Ruiz Agency, azid the Community <br />Backyard of Orazige and Chatham Counties <br />The program enjoys strong relationships with elected OC representatives in the NC General <br />Assembly, at the county level, and an active relationship with the OCHD Board of Health. <br />Orztanizational Ca aci <br />(8,000 characters) 25% of Total Score <br />Include in your response: <br />• Overview of the Lead Applicant Organization: Describe how the lead agency will <br />administer the grant and ensure that the program action plan is implemented. <br />• Staffing for the Grazit: Describe the position(s) including responsibilities, qualifications <br />and classification. Where does the position fit into the organizational structure? To whom <br />does the position report? If this application covers more than one county, how will the <br />position relate to persomrel in other counties? <br />• Evidence of Organizational Experience: Please describe the lead applicant organization's <br />experience in plaming, implementing and promoting teen tobacco use prevention <br />progruns. Briefly describe relevant training received by staff and volunteers and any <br />training/workshops conducted by the lead applicant organization, <br />• Paztnerships and Collaborations: Provide a brief overview of all partners (co-applicants) <br />including expertise in teen tobacco use prevention and cessation and proposed <br />responsibilities in implementing the program action plan. Include information on the <br />integration of the program with existing services, partnering organizations, and <br />community support in planning and implementation, <br />• Media Collaboration and Support: Describe examples of previous or current media <br />canlpaigrrs including prograzns that received earned media. Discuss relations with media <br />and any local media involvement in state media campaigns, <br />• Youth Involvement and Collaboration: Provide information on how you would provide <br />opportunities for youth involvement in program development azrd implementation. <br />The lead applicant for this project is the Orange County Health Department (OCHD). The <br />OCHD has been serving the Orange County community by providing clinhcal services, health <br />promotion and education, dental health, environmental health and animal control for more <br />than 25 years. Through our broad array of services we provide public health to residents in <br />tl>ree separate clinics and in the field. The health promotion and education division in <br />particular is involved in bringing prevention programs to the community tlu-ough schools, <br />community groups, health fairs and other settings. Orange County has been involved in <br />tobacco policy initiatives since 1988 when the commissioners approved a policy limiting <br />smoking in county buildings, The OCHD advocated for and the Board of Health passed <br />14 <br />