Orange County NC Website
3G <br />school-based personnel, could carry on with Tob. 101 azld Media Literacy presentations in <br />the middle schools at minimal cost. Additionally, the smoke-free dining guide, once initiated <br />and achieving community awareness, could be passed onto the local Chamber of Cormnerce. <br />Upkeep of this dining guide is minimal and low-cost. Beyond .June, 20Q9 the program plans <br />to sustain it's full programmatic activities by requesting that the OC County Conunissioners <br />provide funding for the continuation of the program. Additional community funding and <br />grants will be pursued. <br />Improve Healthcare Capacity: <br />In addition to relieving strain on dre local healthcare system by preventing future tobacco <br />related disease, the OCHD is well positioned to influence county health clinic and private <br />provider practices regarding tobacco-use prevention and cessation counseling, The OCHD <br />enjoys an excellent reputation with the OC healthcare community and will continue to share <br />best. practices materials with providers (Ex. Recent TPCB 5 A's card). OCHD clinic staff <br />already do tobacco counseling during prenatal visits and will begin to promote the use of <br />Medicaid for certain nicotine replacement therapy treatments. <br />Results of Past Programming: <br />Major Policy Accomplislunents and Key Achievements - <br />12 Schools adopt ATS and NOT policies <br />24 school-based persomnel trained to implement new ATS/NOT policies <br />4 new schools promote 100% TFS through signage <br />1 restaurant adopts 100% smoke-free policy <br />1 bowling alley adopted improved smoke-free policy <br />Over 200 restaurant patron surveys conducted and 4 smoke-free business presentations given <br />to restaurant/bowling alley managers or owners <br />1 permanent high school club established <br />2 permanent district TRU peer educator groups established (40 trained peer educators) <br />Over 700 middle school youth reached through Tobacco 101 presentations <br />Over 1,000 youth reached tluough community outreach events <br />Media Involvement - <br />6 TRU advertisments placed in school papers regaz'ding cost of tobacco use <br />6 articles written by TRU peer educators <br />3 azticles written by program staff <br />2 articles written by program supporters <br />8 articles written by newspaper staff on program <br />Program featur°ed on two radio programs <br />Program featured on two state-wide TV programs <br />100s of NOT recruitment posters placed in schools <br />1,OOOs of TRt1 promotional items distributed <br />Intern Professional Development: <br />1 intern from UNC-CH School of Public Health for summer 2004 <br />1 intern from NCCU Dept. of Health Educ, for Winter-Spring 2005 <br />The program has effectively collaborated with a number of current HWTF grantees on <br />various training and educational outreach events. Those collaborative partners include: <br />Question Why Central Region, Old North State Medical Society, Durham County Health <br />13 <br />