Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Timeline: Ongoing tluoughout grant period and indefinite beyond grant period. <br />Local Objective 2: By .Tune 2009, 25% of restaurants opened during the grant period will <br />open smoke free. This will be measured by EHSD records and the restaurant database <br />maintained by the program coordinator. <br />Strategies: See previous "strategies". <br />Timeline: Ongoing tluoughout grant period and indefinite beyond grant period. <br />Local Objective .3: By .Tune 2009, 120 Orange County restaurants will be listed on the <br />OCHD online smoke-free dining guide. This will be measured by viewing the OCHD guide <br />at,us/health/smoke-free.htm. <br />Strategies: The OCHD, in partnership with the OC Asthma Coal. and TRU peer educators, <br />will recruit smoke-free restaurants for its online smoke-free dining guide. Recruitment will <br />be via direct mailings and in-person contact by peer educators, To publicize the online <br />guide, a paid and earned media campaign will be utilized to feature smoke-free restaurants <br />and diffuse the guide throughout the community. Restaurant owners and managers will be <br />consulted in the development of this media campaign. Tlus campaign is modeled after the <br />successful Wake Co. stoplight campaign., <br />Timeline: Recruitment of restaurants and media will be ongoing thoughout grant period. <br />Focus Area 4: Eliminate Health Disparities <br />Goal: Involve diverse youth as peer educators in order to provide culturally competent <br />educational outreach to minority populations in Orange County. <br />Local Objective 1: By .Tune 2009, at least 25% of peer educators will be minority students <br />from OCS and CHCCS. Tliis will be measured by completed applications of accepted peer <br />educators. <br />Strategies: Current peer educators will actively recruit minority students into the TRU peer <br />educator group. Emphasis has been , urd will continue to be, placed on the importance of <br />representing minority groups in order to effectively work with minority students to reduce <br />disparities.. Existing linkages with minority student groups/clubs will be strengthened and <br />additional linkages will be pwsued. <br />Timeline: Ongoing throughout grant period. <br />Local Objective 2: By .Tune 2009, peer educators will have conducted educational outreach <br />at 12minority-focused community and/or school events. This will be measured by the <br />coordinator's iPTS reporting.. <br />Strategies: Peer educators will maintain their participation in existing minority-serving <br />school and community fairs and events and pursue new opportunities. Peer educators will <br />improve the cultural appropriateness of educational materials and outreach strategies, <br />translating materials into Spurish when necessary. <br />Timeline: School and community events have been identified and occur primarily in the fall, <br />spring, azrd summer of each year, Attendance at these events will be ongoing tluoughout the <br />grant period <br />Sustainability: <br />Much emphasis has been placed on building school and community-based capacity to carry <br />out core activities in the focus areas above without substantial funding. Training materials <br />have been developed for peer educator training and adult NOT/ATS facilitators have been <br />trained within each middle and high school. Peer educators, with the assistance of trained <br />12 <br />