Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-5l
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8/29/2008 9:32:24 AM
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Minutes - 20060613
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2006
S Grant - Community and Schools Phase III Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Initiative Grant Acceptance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\BOCC Grants\2000 - 2009\2006\2006 Grants
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35 <br />Local Objective 1: By .June 2009, 4S% of middle school students and 60% of high school <br />students surveyed will report being exposed to at least one of the social norms campaign <br />components. This will be measured by a youth-led media exposure survey conducted in the <br />middle and high schools. <br />Strategies: Using the Alarnance Co. program as a model, youth peer educators will develop a <br />social norms campaign that heightens the social undesirability of tobacco use and develops a <br />healthy stigma that tobacco use is azi unattractive behavior. 1/mphasis will be placed on <br />smokers being in the minority and challenge pro tobacco youth norms currently accepted by <br />students. ICey messages will be diffused via school-based media and distribution of <br />promotional materials. <br />Timeline: Stazting during the 2005-2006 school year peer educators will begin developing <br />the campaign (key messages, concepts, diffusion sources, etc.) in consultation with program <br />staff. The campaign will be rolled out during the second semester of the school year and <br />continue each semester during the grazrt period. <br />Local Oljective 2: By .Tune 2009, 1 S mini-grants will have been awazded to OCS and <br />CHCCS middle and high school groups to develop educational projects and projects that <br />supplement the social nouns canpaign, This will be measured by final prgject summaries <br />reporting the activities conducted using mini-grant funds. <br />Strategies: The program will conduct yearly mini-grant cycles in the fall and spring of each <br />school year. Five established student organizations or clubs (limit of one per school per <br />semester) will be eligible for a grant of up to $S00 to cagy out a special project. A review <br />boazd of TRU peer educators will review applications and select mini-grant recipients. <br />Student organizations or clubs will be required to complete a final project summary reporting <br />on the project's activities. Monies for these mire-grants will be managed by OCS and <br />CHCCS as part of the health coordinator's program budget (see attached letters of <br />agreement), <br />Timeline: Mini-grant preparation will occur during the first semester of the 2005-2006 <br />school year, Mini-grants will be available to school groups during the second semester of <br />that year and Smini-grants will be awarded aznong 10 schools each year during the grant <br />period. <br />Focus Area 2: Promoting youth cessation <br />Goal 1: Work with CHCCS and OCS districts to enhance the enforcement of their 100% <br />TFS policies by implementing the ATS and NOT programs. <br />Local Objective 1: By June 2009, each CHCCS and OCS middle and high school will have <br />maintained at least two school-based adult ATS/NOT program facilitators.. This will be <br />measured by maintaining contact with school health coordinators and training records from <br />ATS/NOT trainings. <br />Strategies: The program coordinator will work with OCS and CHCCS health coordinators to <br />maintain two trained facilitators in each middle and high school. A record of trained <br />ATS/NOT facilitators is maintained by the coordinator and if additional school persomlel <br />require training the coordinator will azrange for their participation in an ALA run ATS/NOT <br />training. At the end of each school year ATS/NOT trained facilitators, CHCCS and OCS <br />health coordinators, and the program coordinator will meet to evaluate progress of the two <br />programs. <br />Timeline: Ongoing throughout grazrt period.. <br />
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