Orange County NC Website
PAGE 10 <br /> X. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> A. CABLEVISION OF DURHAM FRANCHISE PROPOSAL <br /> Albert Kittrell reported that Cablevision of Durham submitted a Cable TV <br /> Franchise proposal requesting a five year delineated Franchise Agreement. Cablevision <br /> of Durham desires to provide cablevision service to approximately 253 homes in specific <br /> areas of northeastern Orange County. An investigation as to whether cable companies <br /> currently in the county could serve the northeastern areas was done. Alert Cable's <br /> service areas are not located in this part of the county. Carolina Cable service lines <br /> are as close as 1.5 miles from one area in the proposal and as far as 3 miles from other <br /> areas and it is anticipated they will extend service to the northeastern areas. <br /> Cablevision is requesting to serve a portion of the county for a very limited time <br /> period. <br /> Terrell Mayton, Vice-President of Marketing and Customer Service, stated they <br /> are requesting a delineated franchise to serve those areas adjacent to the Durham County <br /> line from Orange County. They receive numerous calls from citizens requesting this <br /> service. <br /> Commissioner Hartwell questioned the capability of Durham Cablevision having <br /> the mechanism to be able to telecast a program which may originate from Orange High <br /> School under the auspices of another cable company to homes of students who attend <br /> Orange High. <br /> Mayton emphasized their commitment to community programming and gave several <br /> examples. Their motivation is that there is a group of citizens who are within sight of <br /> their service and they have the capability of servicing them with minimum delay. The <br /> other cable companies are quite a distance from this area and it is not clear when they <br /> plan to extend service to those areas. <br /> Durham Cablevision's engineer stated that they have done much of the <br /> preengineering for the area under consideration. The mapping and system design is <br /> complete. They can provide service within 120 days. <br /> Randy Houser of Carolina Cable disputed this information stating that they are <br /> in the make-ready process which means that whoever applies first can build first. Until <br /> Carolina Cable is finished with their construction, Cablevision cannot perform any work <br /> there. He feels it cannot be done in 120 days. He pointed out to the Board that <br /> Cablevision of Raleigh/Durham has been operating in Orange County for at least a year <br /> without a franchise which is in direct violation of the County Ordinance as amended last <br /> year. A review of those portions is necessary at this time. He showed on the map where <br /> cablevision has infringed on their area. The County was notified of this last March. <br /> This means that Cablevision is not paying a gross receipt tax which Orange County is <br /> entitled to under the Ordinance. He pointed out that in the area of Cornwallis Road, <br /> Cablevision has applied for a makeready essentially to prohibit Carolina Cable from <br /> doing construction in violation of the ordinance which states that county construction <br /> on county right-of-ways is prohibited without a franchise. He asked what procedures the <br /> County intends to take to enforce the ordinance that is already approved to ensure that <br /> a granting of a franchise to Cablevision is applied equitable. Carolina Cable does not <br /> plan in the immediate future to serve the Maple Ridge, San Reba area. The area north of <br /> St. Mary's Road is an area where they can't reach directly because there is no Orange <br /> County right-of-way. They would have to go into Durham to get back to Orange County. <br /> They are currently constructing line in the St. Mary's/Pleasant Green area. <br /> Chair Carey stated, in answer to a question from John Link, that if the people <br /> in the area being discussed want cable and it can be provided by the present provider in <br /> Orange County, that that should be the process. However, if Carolina Cable cannot <br /> provide the service and it can be provided by another company, that it should be done. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked that the cable issue be simplified so that <br /> everyone can understand it. He asked about the allegations of Cablevision of <br /> Raleigh/Durham being in violation of the present ordinance. <br />