Orange County NC Website
PAGE 9 <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis emphasized to the Public Service Company the importance <br /> of keeping the County informed of their actions. They assured the Commissioners they <br /> would keep them informed through contacts with Mary Scearbo of the Planning Staff. <br /> Mr. Zaragoza commented that the County Commissioners may want to establish a <br /> policy requiring pipe lines to follow other easements or existing right-of-ways. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit cautioned the Board on such a policy stating there may be a hazard <br /> in locating high voltage transmission lines and a pipe line in the same location. This <br /> will be researched. <br /> B. COMPLETE COUNT COMMITTEE <br /> Chair of the Complete Count Committee Norman Gustaveson informed the Board of <br /> the progress of this Committee. He stated that the Committee met with the area Census <br /> Bureau personnel. The main concerns have been identified and subcommittees appointed to <br /> handle these concerns. What is crucial to this program will be the followup to make <br /> sure people return their census forms. The long forms are complicated and it will be <br /> important to have volunteers to assist in completing these forms. Confidentiality must <br /> be stressed. The importance of returning this form is vital to the community. Census <br /> week will begin on March 23. <br /> C. SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM _ CARDEN'S MOBILE HOME PARK <br /> County Engineer Paul Thames referred to the background information on the <br /> situation as contained in the report in the agenda along with two maps of the area. The <br /> sewage treatment facility is basically a septic tank which drains into a sand filter and <br /> then discharges into a roadside ditch which runs under the road, through a field and <br /> pools behind Mr. Stevens' home until it soaks into the soil or evaporates. The owner of <br /> the park is being required by DEM to replace this system with a packaged waste treatment <br /> plant which should drastically improve the quality of the discharged sewage water. They <br /> are not requiring that he change his point of discharge. A public hearing on the <br /> special Order by Consent (agreement listing conditions agreed upon by DEM and the owner <br /> of Carden's on operation of the facility) will be held March 29 in Superior Courtroom. <br /> Thames recommends that the point of discharged be changed. The affluent from the <br /> package plant could flow by gravity into a pump station and be pumped to the east along <br /> and in the right-of-way of Highway 70 and discharged into Stoney Creek which lies <br /> approximately 1800 feet east of Garden's. It is not known at this time if DEM will <br /> approve this change in point source discharge. Joel Williams, the present owner of <br /> Carden's has indicated he will do whatever is necessary to make this system acceptable <br /> to the community. Garden's is under an order whereby they cannot add any trailers to <br /> the park or replace one that vacates. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked if the trailer park could be closed down until <br /> this is resolved. County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill stated that the County Health <br /> Director would have this authority if it was determined there is a public health hazard. <br /> Chairman Carey expressed concern about the pooling of the waste and the rights of this <br /> private land owner. He emphasized that the County should do all it can to remedy the <br /> situation. It was decided that the Health Director will survey the situation to <br /> ascertain if it constitutes a public health nuisance. If it is not determined a public <br /> nuisance, the Board could pass a resolution asking DEM to look at their standards for <br /> handling such situations. This resolution would be read at the public hearing on <br /> Carden's. <br /> Paul Thames explained that DEM has indicated they understand the problem, but <br /> there has been no commitment that they would force Carden's to change the discharge. <br /> What DEM did say was that if he does not meet the affluent limitations as set by them <br /> that they will revoke his discharge permit. At that time, some method of onsite <br /> disposal must be found or the trailer park would have to close. <br />