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provided a mechanism to comply with recommended impervious surface ratios and included the <br /> following. <br /> 1 . Accept the CDM recommended standards; <br /> 2. Increase the impervious surface ceiling; <br /> 3. Discount unpaved road surfaces; <br /> 4. Discount all unpaved surfaces, such as roads, driveways, and sidewalks; <br /> 5. Establish design standards which assure compliance such as a maximum permitted driveway <br /> length; <br /> 6. Increase the minimum required lot size requirement; and <br /> 7. Require compliance with a four percent impervious surface ratio and a density standard <br /> of one unit per five acres but permit a minimum lot size of two acres. <br /> Following consideration of the various options, the Planning Board voted to recommend approval <br /> of the proposed revisions to the revised interim development standards with the following change <br /> to Article 6. 15.2 a.3.a. ) of the Zoning Ordinance: <br /> a) Basic Requirements: In the University Lake water supply watershed, lot size averaging <br /> is permitted Provided the overall residential density for any development application <br /> shall not exceed one dwelling unit per five acres, no lot shall be less than two acres <br /> in siz . and no more than five two-acre lots may be created as Part of any development <br /> application. except as permitted under subsection 0 or c). <br /> An identical change was recommended for Section IV-C-2 a.3.a) of the Subdivision Regulations. <br /> While still recognizing the difficulty of complying with the recommended impervious limits, the <br /> Planning Board felt that "averaging" provided the greatest flexibility for property owners. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell , seconded by Commissioner Marshall , to approve the <br /> proposed amendments per the Planning Boards recommendation as amended. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> B. SYKES GLEN. PHASE 3--PRELIMINARY PLAN (REVISED) <br /> The presentation was made by Emily Crudup. The purpose of this item was to consider a <br /> revision to the preliminary plan for Sykes Glen, Phase 3. <br /> The property is located in Bingham Township on the east side of Oak Grove Church Road (SR 1117) <br /> 0.3 mile north of the intersection with Vernon Road (SR 1118). The total acreage of the tract is <br /> 74.03 acres. It is zoned Agricultural Residential and Protected Watershed II (Cane Creek). <br /> The original preliminary plan was approved for twenty-two (22) lots to be served by new public <br /> roads, and by individual wells and septic tanks. Lot sizes range from 2.0 acres to 5. 12 acres. <br /> On May 1 , 1989, the Board of Commissioners approved the preliminary plan for Phase 3 of Sykes Glen <br /> with 6 conditions: <br /> 1 . Add to note #4 that septic tanks and wells are also prohibited in the stream buffer. <br /> 2. Re-align the entrance road to provide a 90 degree intersection with SR 1117. <br /> 3. Dedicate 10' x 70' sight triangles at all intersections. <br /> 4. Adjust the 30' drainage easements shown on lots 4 and 7 to follow existing swales. <br /> 5. When the entrance road is re-aligned, combine the resultant strip of land on the north <br /> side of the new right-of-way with lot 16. <br /> 6. Delete the plat note stating "A 2' strip will be left between the Road R/W and Property <br /> of Jonathan Sykes". <br />