Orange County NC Website
~~t,/~~ a <br />i tt~ it c>ntrtrnY ~ {ti-~;uurcc C'unservaritrf) <br />`~': r,+. i`)1:1i !li ~iVa 1.l ~,)It)}:,-t+ ;:a <br /> <br />May 10, 2006 <br />OF211NOE COUNTY <br />NOTICE OF PROP'OSA~ <br />TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF NEN/ HOPE PARK AT 9LACKOOD FARM <br />NfpsDplpttgh, NC <br />Orange County's ptanrting m coltsauct a new park facitlty located on o former farm sfle owned by tfie <br />county. The t52-Awe aRe is located midway Detwetn Hillsborough and Chapel HIII, near the <br />intersection of NC 86 and Naw Ftapa t]turM Road, and just east of Interstate 40 (Exit 283), The site <br />consists of an Ach,rie farmstead surrounded by fore~d end open agriculD+rsf fend, The tract es are <br />identified by Orange County Lands Records, as P.L.N. number 98T233'~30Z, an4 tax maD number <br />7.9..22 Recent boundary survey informaton vary ba found in Plot Book 89 Page 13$. lAriNt the <br />exception of Orange Courdyr's GIS database there is no data ar the property avalable in a digital <br />format. <br />The County tlesires to have the property surveyed to the pwpoee of tleveloping the proPetty in to a <br />future Park faaiFty Requ~ed informaSon includes topographic conmurs (see aaached plan for areas <br />requring 1 fioot intervals wh7t ell remaining areas requiring 5-foot iNervals), establishing a permanent <br />benchmark, boundary lines (noluding adjacent properties vrtm owner idemf9ratlon); zoning <br />lnTOrtnation. setbacks. right-af-ways. easemerds, any >lruaturea and paved areas [inciudirt5l adjacent <br />roarl~nterseciions and adjacent driveway entrances). utiti6es (above and below ground;. flood plain <br />limes, ern perer)nial and intarmtl}erd streams, ponds and iderrtification of aft trees over 18" in caliper <br />(only in area indicated on aNaahod pion for requiring 1'corl~ur itriervals) and perirneler outline of alt <br />other wooded areas. <br />The surrey data will be preserved m tyre Canty by way of a map or maps dtat tie all survey data m the <br />existing property, The map a maps shall De made available both as a paper dtawing and as an <br />AufoCed file that is compabbte witty AutoCad ?042 (using a layering system as dveeted oy the <br />County). Completed survey firorrnadon must be made avaiWble to the Courriy no teeter !Fran August <br />11, 2006, Should your PFm Ile unable to complete Nye wank during the specified penotl, please rests <br />such in yow tarter Of imarest <br />If your drm is Imetasted in performing this work, please lorward a letter of interest m be received no <br />later tften SPM, Mondoy, May 22 2006 to Marabeth Carr at the letterhead adaress. Fax rnsppnses <br />are also accepted and may be taxed to 91916143357 Responses will be reviewed and fee <br />negotiations commenced within two weelm of response deadline. with a notice m proceed anticipated <br />by June tf. 2006 fo;iawing corthad approval by the Board at Cvmmissionere. Sfwufd You have <br />questions or need adciti!onal information. please feel free to contest me ai 9t 9.56a~660, or Rldt Shaw <br />at 8 1 9845-25 91. <br />wbeth Gaiga Can, ASLA <br />Orange Coumy. Open SDace Design Specialist <br />Attachment <br />ec: Cavla Slancil. Environment )s Resource Conservation Director <br />Rim snow, EPGD land Conservation Manager <br />Psm Jones DKector of Purchasing one Central Sernws <br />