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• what are some of the non-standard/atypical materials being considered for use <br />• discuss the parking area and outdoor lighting <br />• what is being considered for shading and surface water runoff <br />• will the collection trucks be parked there <br />• if truck parking was moved there in the future, where would they likely be parked <br />• are there any easements at the southern end of the lot <br />is the project being planned taking into consideration that Eubanks Road may sometime be <br />widened and could we be asked to grant more right of way <br />• what additional traffic will be generated on Eubanks Road by this facility <br />• how sensitive are septic fields to traffic <br />• what are other possibilities for septic field locations <br />• what is the estimated cost of the building <br />• what is the project timeline assuming the BOCC proceeds with the project <br />• will we have to wait until after the winter to begin construction <br />The project timeline at this point contemplates completion of the final design and construction <br />documents by mid-August, completion of bid documents in late September or early October, <br />solicitation of bids in mid-October, and award of construction bids by the BOCC in late <br />November. If the BOCC endorses this general timeline, staff plan to present a project progress <br />report at the August 22, 2006 BOCC meeting. <br />Barring extraordinary problems or delays, the facility should be completed and move-in targeted <br />for late summer to fall 2007. The lease to the current Solid Waste administrative facilities <br />expires December 31, 2006. The Town of Chapel Hill Public Works Department plans to <br />vacate the site by January 1, 2007., Informal discussions with UNC Facilities staff suggest that <br />the University will likely be receptive to considering a new short-term lease to the County for the <br />period necessary for the new Solid Waste Operations Center to be completed and for the <br />existing modular office unit to be moved from University property. <br />Consistent with recent Board practice, Solid Waste staff plan to coordinate with Environment <br />and Resource Conservation Department staff to engage the services of a consultant to perform <br />a cultural and archeological assessment of the approximate 10-acre site. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funding far the design of the facility has already been included in the <br />Solid Waste Management Department's 2005-06 operating budget. Construction of the new <br />facility will be addressed through debt financing to be repaid from revenues earmarked in future <br />years in the Solid Waste/Landfill Operations Enterprise Fund. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) receive for information the discussion points noted above from the May 31 neighborhood <br />meeting; <br />2) direct staff to engage a qualified consultant to conduct a cultural and archaeological <br />survey of the Solid Waste Operations Center property; and <br />3) endorse the general project timeline outlined above, including a status report on detailed <br />design of the facility to the BOCC at the August 22, 2006 meeting. <br />