Orange County NC Website
Adopted by IPWG 2/2 <br />1 <br />VIII. Conclusion <br />A, The purpose of this document and maps is to provide for the five jurisdictions <br />a single source that can be used by policy makers, staffs and other interested <br />groups to review all of the different parks and park plans at the same time. <br />It is recommended that the governing boards of the five jurisdictions adapt the <br />Composite Countywide Plan for Parks and Trails as a planning reference <br />document, to be used as needed when planning far future parks and trails. <br />B, While this document presents an important snapshot of parks and trails at this <br />point in time, new parks and trails will be built and the information in the report <br />will require updating. A database of park facilities was created as part of the <br />1999 Joint Master Recreation and Parks report, and this database is updated <br />annually by the Orange County ERCD. <br />It is recommended that this report should also be reviewed on a regular basis <br />and updated every two vears, to add the results of any new jurisdictional park <br />planning and new collaborative opportunities undertaken by the respective <br />boards, The Parks and Recreation Directors from the five jurisdictions could <br />provide an update at the end of the calendar year (odd years, beginning in <br />2007) and convey this information to the County ERCD, as the keeper of the <br />document, <br />