Agenda - 06-13-2006-10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-13-2006
Agenda - 06-13-2006-10a
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8/29/2008 3:51:16 PM
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8/29/2008 9:30:29 AM
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Memorandum <br />To: Orange County Conmlissioners <br />From: Courthouse staff <br /> <br />The courthouse staff is eagerly awaiting the new facility.. This building will <br />increase our ability to provide excellent service for any members of the public who have <br />business at the courthouse.. As the project nears, we have received some distressing <br />information regarding the parking situation, <br />It appears that the county is contemplating the use of shuttles to transport <br />courthouse staff to and from their parked vehicles. We are all aware of the puking <br />problems at the current facility, We are all also aware of the increasing traffic problems <br />on Churton Street in Hillsborough. Orange County's rapid growth creates the demand for <br />the new facility to serve Orange County. The same growth creates problems for the <br />viability of the efficient fimetion of the facility at tlas location. <br />Simply put, the courthouse staff carmot efficiently make use of a shuttle system to <br />and From their workplace. The courthouse is the hub of all legal proceedings in the <br />cowrty. Already the staff is working at or above capacity. Adding an additional I S <br />minute it7p to the begirming and a 1 S minute trip to the ending of each day is not fair or <br />equitable to the staff. Additionally, adding a 15 minute shuttle ride to the begimring and <br />ending of every single trip for medical, personal orwork-related necessary travel is a <br />substantial burden to the staff that handles the county's legal records and,judicial <br />operation. We have all experienced the increased traffic on Churton Street and <br />reasonably expect that traffic to increase. Tlus situation will cause increased travel time <br />on a shuttle, Delays and increased wait times are inevitable as the shuttle navigates <br />tluough town at the busiest puts of the day. <br />Basic security and accommodation would also make a shuttle a poor option for <br />courthouse staff. Inside the courthouse, extensive security is planned, Given prior <br />incidents of assaults and escapes witlun this courthouse, these measures are essential. <br />Outside the workday, courthouse staff would be confined to a shuttle with the same <br />people they are to he protected from within the courthouse, This situation is problematic <br />and potentially dangerous. Defendants and victims would be on the shuttles together, <br />Prosecutors, lawyers, clerks and court reporters would also have close contact with <br />citizens involved in volatile situations.. Witnesses and,jurors would similarly be placed in <br />untenable situations as they attempted to come to court. Clerks would he face to face <br />with citizens who may resent the role clerks play in collecting child support, late fees or <br />issuing domestic violence protective orders. <br />The efficient functioning of the courts is currently a challenge, Ironically, the <br />new facility may exacerbate the very problem it is intended to solve. Attempting to <br />shuttle groups of 24 will be a daily exercise in futility. Court proceedings will be <br />impaired and at the mercy of the shuttle of necessary people to conduct court business, <br />
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