Agenda - 05-25-2006 - 2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-25-2006
Agenda - 05-25-2006 - 2
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APPROVED 11/7/2001 <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />SPECIAL SESSION <br />April 17. 2001 <br />/D <br />Tre Orance Count?: Board of Corn ssicne - - "s met in reguiar session on T uescay. Apni 17, 2,-01, <br />at 5 :30 p.m. in the board room of the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina <br />for the purpose of meeting with the University of North Carolina staff to hear the Universitys campus <br />plan.. <br />COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Stephen H. Halkiotis and Commissioners <br />'.1a c are: '.'• . Ercv.n, (loses Carey, Jr., X'ce '.'. GP -dg , and Ba-r Jacobs <br />r v COUNTY ATTORNEY PRESENT: G=__-f--'v G!ed;`! <br />COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: Ccun. y Manage -Jch :^ M Link, Jr., Assistant County'.';anace- <br />Rcd Visser, Assista; t to the Clerk Nano: Pac ga, a:-.d C er< to the Board Beverly A. Blythe (Al,'! ci;^;er <br />staff members wilt be identffiled appropriately be'g:vj <br />UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA- CHAPEL HILL STAFF: Jack P. Evans, Professor of <br />Business Administration; Susan Ehringhaus, Vice Chancellor and General Counsel; Nancy <br />Suttenfie €d, Vice - Chancellor of Finance and Administration; Linda Convissor, and Peter Krawchyk <br />NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE IN THE PERMANENT <br />AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. <br />WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS <br />Chair Ha ?kiotis :'.'elcomed everyone and i..r^ductlons vie re made, <br />r rtcocn � h I wn o I V IYI Y"MJI I I yr wvn In l,f1RV LIlY/1 — ti('Ih1r GL HILL <br />Jack P. Evans made a presentation using a LCD slide projector on the big screen consisting of <br />59 slides. He gave some background about the planning of the Horace Williams Tract, 'There have <br />been meetings every quarter for the past two years. He noted that the Board of Trustees had adopted <br />camps master plan. However, the t.ork for the riorace Williams Tract is at a prelimin -ry stage <br />and w_s o -, „ °¢n presented to the Board f ustees even in a work session.. He said that Ste <br />consul—e- s_ _ _. ,.e_za.._s :end would not hapc r. e '�`Vr <br />..._d __ a I.a- tihe rnain campus. as it + nly 500 acres G.mcare^ p e£ <br />: . � <br />ac <br />�,a a:. n the Horace Tract. �e g^ vim;: proposes development rc, .%'e r Es <br />than KO, <br />acres of the tract. He pointed out the differences in the JJR plan in 1998 and the current plan. There <br />is additional land preservation in the current plan of more than 25% of the total land. He pointed out <br />the rail line to the west of the parcel and said that this was a key to part of the transit solution He <br />pointed out the Public spaces on the tract. There is a former landfill on the site that can be capped <br />and vented, which Could Include recreation srace. T his pan of the site could be a set of socce( fields. <br />I,..,._ s a`.so a Cner,niCal taste site He no e-d .. _. _ ._ env; ;.- onm_Intal planning was very !m,: ''art L <br />=_'=':e:' He ,. SLmmanZed the ve PreC .,.,, ....._ eject- east, centre est. ^ l . .... <br />_..^,. rc ec. _rg L., .: fo(resldenaai, reia'�. C +..v, c >ep CC : •n,: ;'spaces He'eemp •a =, <br />amount of time it vrou!d take to build out the Jack Evans Evans answered several clari Virg questions. He made reference to the neighbcrhocds <br />around the property The project has been presented to the Chapel Hill Town Council, the Carrboro <br />Board of Alderman, representatives from the school systems, and two presentations have been made <br />I the campus community. There will be pr- _santations scheduled for anyone from any of the <br />
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