Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> The DCHC MPO, which is responsible for long-range transportation planning for Durham <br /> County and parts of Orange and Chatham counties, is updating its MTP. The MTP, which is <br /> required by Federal law, recommends major transportation projects, policies and strategies <br /> designed to maintain existing transportation systems and serve the region's future travel <br /> needs. The Plan must be fiscally constrained, which means that projected revenues must <br /> cover the anticipated costs. Projects must be in the 2045 MTP to receive any state and federal <br /> transportation funding through the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Projects <br /> are drawn from the MTP and put forward to the State's prioritization process for inclusion in the <br /> STIP, which is a 10-year funding program. <br /> Alternatives Analysis <br /> An Alternative is a combination of a transportation network, which includes a set of highway, <br /> transit and other transportation improvements, and a land use scenario that depicts the <br /> distribution of population and employment for the year 2045. These Alternatives are then <br /> analyzed using the Triangle Regional Model (TRM) which forecasts future travel statistics <br /> based on assumptions concerning the highway network, transit service and other <br /> transportation facilities. It is very unlikely that one of the Alternatives in its entirety would be <br /> advanced as the Preferred Option. Most likely, the final MTP will be a combination of the <br /> various Alternatives. <br /> Due to the length and depth of the Alternatives Analysis, staff has prepared a presentation <br /> (Attachment 1) that summarizes some key areas of interest to Orange County. Greater detail <br /> on the Analysis and other process components can be found on the DCHC MPO website: <br /> 1 <br /> Attachment 2 is a list of Orange County (including municipal) major highway projects in the <br /> Alternatives Analysis. Any specific comments on the list are welcome at this time and may <br /> assist with the selection of highway projects to be included in the Preferred Option (draft 2045 <br /> Plan). The MPO staff has identified the projects least likely to be included in the draft 2045 <br /> Plan at the bottom of the first page and continuing to the second page of Attachment 2. In <br /> October, the MPO Board will decide on the list of projects to be included in the draft 2045 MTP <br /> that gets released for public comment. Transit, bicycle and pedestrian project lists are not yet <br /> available from the MPO. However, it is expected that the Orange County transit projects, which <br /> are to be funded through a combination of state, local, and federal funds, will be taken from <br /> the Orange County Transit Plan (2017). <br /> Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) <br /> Comments The OUTBoard received a presentation from MPO staff at its September 20, 2017 <br /> meeting. Its comments are summarized in Attachment 3. Comments collected from the <br /> OUTBoard and any added by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will be conveyed to <br /> the DCHC MPO Board, which also has a representative and alternate from the Orange County <br /> BOCC. <br /> MPO Next Steps <br /> The Alternatives Analysis has been released for public comment. Over the next few months, <br /> the DCHC MPO Board will use comments collected from the public and local governments to <br /> direct the development of a Preferred Option. The Preferred Option is the draft 2045 MTP <br /> which will be released in October 2017. The final 2045 MTP is scheduled to be adopted by the <br /> MPO Board in December 2017. <br />