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8 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said one way to initiate a conversation is to ask OWASA to <br /> present to the BOCC at some point. <br /> Chair Dorosin suggested inviting OWASA, and asked Sherrill Hampton on how to <br /> proceed. <br /> Sherrill Hampton said she would recommend that staff speak to the other staff, as well <br /> as the Chair send a letter to other elected boards suggesting this invitation. She said if <br /> OWASA does not want to participate, it could present updates to the BOCC periodically. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said there is a meeting tomorrow morning with the affordable <br /> housing managers and staff from the various jurisdictions, and staff will bring it up and work <br /> towards bringing OWASA in. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Rich for the <br /> Board to approve the resolution in Attachment 1 to expand the scope of the HOME Program <br /> Review Committee to form the "Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing <br /> Collaborative" to allow for broader discussions on the County's affordable housing issues, <br /> including the creation of collaborative strategies and solutions. <br /> Commissioner Price said to add that the consortium will look at CDBG funding, and <br /> keep track of leveraging dollars. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if this needs to be in the motion, since it was suggested to <br /> bring this up as they move forward. <br /> Sherrill Hampton said staff will capture that information in future discussions and <br /> reports, whether it is part of the motion or not. <br /> Commissioner Price suggested adding this since Chapel Hill receives and oversees the <br /> CDBG funding for everyone. <br /> Chair Dorosin suggested amending the second bullet point to state, "provide guidance <br /> on administration of the HOME program activities, and other affordable housing resources in <br /> the County." <br /> Commissioner Price said this would be acceptable. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs and Commissioner Rich withdrew previous motion. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs seconded by Commissioner Rich for the <br /> Board to approve the resolution in Attachment 1 to expand the scope of the HOME Program <br /> Review Committee to form the "Orange County Local Government Affordable Housing <br /> Collaborative" to allow for broader discussions on the County's affordable housing issues, <br /> including the creation of collaborative strategies and solutions, and provide guidance on <br /> administration of the HOME program activities, and other affordable housing resources in the <br /> County. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> c. Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 <br /> Metropolitan Transportation Plan Alternatives Analysis <br /> The Board received a presentation from Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro (DCHC) <br /> Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) staff on the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan <br /> (MTP) Alternatives Analysis, and considered potentially endorsing comments from the Orange <br /> Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard). <br /> BACKGROUND: <br />