Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said next Monday there will be a meeting in response to a <br /> petition from Commissioner Marcoplos about the JPA anniversary, and staff invited planners <br /> from Chapel Hill and Carrboro to attend. <br /> Chair Dorosin had no comments. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Endorsement of Proposed National Register of Historic Places Nomination for the <br /> Efland Home (NC Industrial Home for Colored Girls) <br /> The Board considered the Historic Preservation Commission's recommendation that the <br /> historic property known as the Efland Home be submitted for listing in the National Register of <br /> Historic Places, and to authorize the Chair to sign the attached Elected Official Comment <br /> Letter. <br /> Peter Sandbeck, Cultural Resources Coordinator, made a PowerPoint presentation of <br /> photographs, and reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The process for listing a property in the National Register of Historic Places includes a <br /> provision allowing the BOCC to offer an opinion for or against the listing of a particular historic <br /> property within its jurisdiction. The owners of the Efland Home initiated the National Register <br /> Nomination process for their property as part of their long-term effort to protect the property <br /> and ensure that its important history is documented and shared. The Historic Preservation <br /> Commission undertook this project to prepare the National Register Nomination as one of its <br /> program goals for 2017. Funding was provided through the County's Lands Legacy Program, <br /> which includes as one of its priorities the protection of"lands of historic, cultural, or <br /> archaeological significance". <br /> The Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) fully supports the nomination of this property to <br /> the National Register. The Commission held an informational meeting and received public <br /> comment about this National Register Nomination at its regular meeting on September 27, <br /> 2017. A letter from the HPC Chair in follow-up to that meeting is provided at Attachment 3. <br /> The National Register is an honorary designation that carries no local regulatory burden but <br /> does provide a federal and state process for protection in the case of projects receiving federal <br /> or state funding, or projects that require some form of federal or state permit or license. <br /> Examples include highways, pipelines, wetland disturbance and cell towers. <br /> The attached excerpt of the National Register Nomination document provides a detailed <br /> discussion of the history of the Efland Home. The information details its statewide significance <br /> as North Carolina's first reform institution for African American girls when it opened in 1925. <br /> The project was spearheaded by Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, a nationally recognized black <br /> educator and social reformer. Funds to build and operate the Efland Home were raised by <br /> black women across the state under the auspices of the NC Federation of Colored Women's <br /> Clubs. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said he thought the significance of the home was known at the <br /> time that the solar installation was put in next door. <br /> Peter Sandbeck said the home was known of, but it was not on the historical register. <br /> He said federal law only protects a property once it is on the register. <br />