Orange County NC Website
14 <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said yes. <br /> Commissioner Price said DOT wanted to widen Highway 54 from Carrboro to <br /> Alamance, but Carrboro did not want this area widened in its jurisdiction, and would rather <br /> pursue "modernization" such as buses, lights, etc. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said this item seemed to reflect those concerns. <br /> Chair Dorosin said these are general comments, and the Board can revise them as <br /> needed before final draft. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br /> endorse the OUTBoard comments (Attachment 3) as written or modify as appropriate to reflect <br /> BOCC comments for staff to convey to the DCHC MPO Board. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Alternative comments <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said it would be helpful having maps for each recommended <br /> improvement, to better see that which is being discussed, and the vision. He said he would <br /> like to look at#10: the intersection of Hwy 86 and 70. He asked if this includes the slip lane <br /> south of highway 70 on North Churton Street before the intersection, and to have an <br /> illustration of this area. <br /> Andy Henry said he can make this change with a comment. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said an illustration would be most helpful. <br /> Andy Henry directed the BOCC to the MPO webpage, 2045 MTP, where there are <br /> maps with all of these projects as they are proposed in the plan. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if staff would include these into agenda abstracts going <br /> forward. <br /> Chair Dorosin echoed this suggestion. <br /> d. Proposed Projects for Golden LEAF Foundation's Community Based <br /> Grantsmaking Initiative <br /> The Board reviewed and considered selecting up to three grant proposals, totaling no <br /> more than $1.5 million for all three proposals, and authorize the County Manager to submit by <br /> October 20th to the Golden LEAF Foundation's FY2018 Community Based Grantsmaking <br /> Initiative. <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The Golden LEAF Foundation is North Carolina's designated tobacco settlement trust agency <br /> that makes grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofits and governmental entities across North Carolina. <br /> Approved grants focus on three core priorities: agriculture, economic development job growth <br /> and retention, and workforce preparedness. Projects that focus on other opportunities to <br /> support and develop economic strength in tobacco-dependent, economically distressed, and/or <br /> rural communities are considered. The Foundation's mission is to transform the economy of <br /> rural, tobacco-dependent and economically distressed areas of the state. In calendar year <br /> 2016, the Golden LEAF Foundation Board of Directors awarded over $105 million in grants. <br /> On August 7th County staff attended a presentation by Golden LEAF Foundation President <br /> Dan Gerlach, who outlined the agency's "Community Based Grantsmaking Initiative" for FY 17- <br /> 18 that is now focusing on the 15-county North Central Region of the North Carolina. The 1 <br /> presentation is attached for review. Orange County is included in the designated region, which <br />